Category: Malcolm Blair Robinson

Murdoch Flying In

July 9, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Well, now we know he cares. He is coming to take control. What a shambles awaits him. BSkyB approval delayed and probably never, with Ofcom now involved. The golden goose of the NOTW dead. Servile politicians now biting back and ravaging the carcass of his spent omni-power, to the point where the votes come to […]

Cameron: The Storm Hits

July 8, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

There is so much happening so fast in this viral crisis now gripping the Murdoch media, the police and the government, with all its threads and layers, that it is almost beyond the scope of this style of blog to tackle. Nevertheless we can explore angles and today we look at the politics. Because make […]

Rupert Murdoch: What Now?

July 7, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The view from the perspective of one of the world’s media giants is, at the very least interesting. His empire is under public attack at a key point connected to the source of his wealth and the seat of his power. For the moment he stands firm in public, outraged and demanding of resolution, backing […]

Care For The Elderly

July 4, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

There is something not quite right with all this. When I was young there was no such thing and elderly people were cared for by their families, of which they were a part. There was good support for those on their own because the demands were not universal. On the other hand, now it is […]

School Trips

July 3, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

How many times in years gone by have I complained about completing consent forms for the school time after time when one of my children was to go on a trip. Why cannot one form cover everything? Well now it can.  Nearly two hundred pages of guidance have been reduced to eight. The government wants […]

Sectarian Riots

July 2, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

It is disturbing to see that rioting has returned as a regular feature in Northern Ireland. Scotland has its own brand of sectarian tension which finds its expression in football rivalry. The divide is between Protestant and Catholic. Both are branches of Christianity, yet the passions behind the tension and the acts of violence and abuse […]

Michael Gove: Time to Back Him

July 1, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

At the start of this government there was all that stuff about free schools, more academies and then the EMA and school re-building, with attendant u turns and gaffes. Things have settled down. That is a sign the minister has settled in. There are now signs also, that the minister has settled on what really needs to […]

Is Greece Akin To Lehman Bros?

June 30, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The answer is yes and no. The Yes is merely comparative. The No is fundamental. Several commentators have remarked that a failure to save Lehman was the cause of the credit crunch. It was not. The cause of the credit crunch was excessive lending on inflated assets to people who had no prospect of repaying, […]