Category: Malcolm Blair Robinson

Republican Victory 2012? But Who?

June 29, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The Republicans do not just dream of victory in 2012. The believe, after success mid-term, that they have a chance. The curious thing is that there have, up till now, been no candidates who  inspire and know what they are talking about at the same time. Michelle Bachmann looks promising as well as glamorous and […]

Warrant for Gaddafi

June 28, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

This makes little sense. The purpose of the entire UN/NATO operation is to protect civilians. Several, indeed most, participating countries want Gaddafi gone, but that is not the official aim of the undertaking. The quickest way to end the bloodshed is to hold peace talks so that the Libyan people, who have grown tired of killing […]

Greece on the Brink

June 28, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Beneath the high drama of politics and protest, there are, beneath the surface, currents flowing through the Euro crisis, presently centred on Greece, which give an altered perspective to those who delve. First, the bail out of Greece is actually a bail out of, mostly European, banks. Many would be in very serious trouble if […]

The Price of Debt

June 27, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

It is sobering to look at the figures for the interest the U.K. government now has to pay out of taxes to cover the national debt. This debt pile grows by the second and will continue to do so until the budget is brought into balance. We are now paying over £40 billion per year and this […]

China To the Rescue

June 27, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The Chinese Premier, on his tour of Europe, has said that China supports the Euro and will continue to invest in Euro bonds. This has offered some respite in the deepening crisis gripping the single currency zone, which is part political, part economic and part financial. However these kind words should not be over-interpreted.  They […]

European Mission and the FPC

June 24, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

We should not allow the very real problems of Greece and the Euro to dampen enthusiasm for the ideal of a united Europe. For centuries the various nation states, which make up the European family, have been at war with each other from time to time and much of the time, at huge human and […]

Afghan Pull Out

June 23, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

President Obama has overruled the advice of his generals and rightly so. This pointless but costly war has bumbled on for ten years, daily snatching the lives of brave servicemen and women who give their all as the highest calling of patriotic duty. It also costs the lives of countless Afghans, some fighters, but many […]

Greek Vote of Confidence

June 22, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

It makes little real difference that the Greek government has won its vote of confidence. It will also make little difference if the Greek parliament approves the latest austerity plan. This is because in the end and by whatever measure Greece now owes too much to repay, without the loss of social and political cohesion, necessary for a functioning […]