Category: Malcolm Blair Robinson

Too Many U Turns

June 21, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Yet another U turn, this time on law and order. That is traditional Tory turf. Whatever Cameron says about being a sign of strength, the record of this government for u turns is without precedent and approaching the point of farce. Most of it comes from the Tory side of the coalition but not all. […]

Bombing Tripoli

June 20, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Is not surprising that a missile mis-fired and killed an innocent family. It is surprising that it has not happened before. The fact that it has not is a testament to the skill of NATO aircrew and the quality of their weapons. Nevertheless it reminds everyone, especially those who are uncomfortable within NATO that the […]

Economic Storm Clouds Again

June 19, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

After the crash there was endless worry of a double dip recession. Nobody worried about a sovereign debt crisis. This is now approaching fast. It has three components. One is political. Another is financial. The third is the survival of the Euro. It is the political element which is now the driver. Greece is heading […]

Falklands or Malvinas?

June 17, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

President Fernandez of Argentina has called for negotiations about the sovereinty of the Falkland Islands, which she and her country call the Malvinas and believe are theirs. Nowadays most of the world probably agrees. Certainly the U.S. does and has called upon the UK and Argentina to start talking. Cameron has refused point blank. President […]

Banks: Ringfences and Firewalls

June 16, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

It is not yet clear exactly what the proposals will actually be to secure the retail side of banking from the investment or casino, side. Many, including it is said the Bank of England Governor Sir Mervyn King, would like completely separate companies with no linear connection. The Chancellor’s plan may fall short of this, […]

Greece: The End Game Approaches

June 16, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

From the very beginning the chances of Greece getting through without a default of some kind were very slim. They are now very slim indeed. The reason is not so much financial; the figures were a calamity at the start. It is political. The simple truth is that populations will put up with just so […]

NHS: Reform in the Balance

June 15, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Reforming public services is a difficult concept. The nature of public services tends to make them large, complex and difficult to steer. Over time they can be fashioned. Certainly the modern NHS is different to the way it was in the 1950s, but this is more to do with changing nature of medical science and […]

NHS: How U is the Turn?

June 14, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

We know what the recommendations are of the Review. We do not know for sure what the Government’s official response is until later. Until then this Blog will not give a considered response. We  do, however lay out the standards of judgement we shall employ. The prime element of the NHS, the key person and […]

China’s Bank Lending

June 13, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

It is good to see that China’s authorities are acting to put the squeeze on bank lending following the surge in property prices. It seems that China is no exception to the rule that ensures that excess money from lending, flows straight to the soft target of property rather than the hard, or at least […]

Labour: Time for a Re-Think

June 12, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

On the face of it Labour has problems. It is not proving an effective opposition. Its economic policy is weak and largely discredited. New disclosures of the damage done to the Labour government and the country by the Tony and Gordon feud are history, but bad nevertheless. So is evidence of warnings over excessive government […]