Category: Malcolm Blair Robinson

Cruelty and Torture

June 1, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The scenes on BBC’s Panorama programme last night beggar belief. The government is in confusion and the public are outraged. The Care Quality Commission clearly is not doing its job. According to an anonymous insider it no longer even tries. It just ticks boxes as it monitors rather than inspects. This useless body is about […]

Chris Huhne

June 1, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

This senior Lib Dem Cabinet Minister is beginning to look fragile. It is hard to tell if the complaints that are coming in to various authorities about him are genuinely expressed anxieties or part of a vendetta by some injured party. Huhne himself is confident of his innocence, yet inquiries continue. This all has to […]

House Prices

June 1, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

In the UK these are flat-lining, though in London they are growing again, but this is due to the concentration of financial and service jobs, many with international dimensions, in the capital. In the US they are falling again and the authorities have confirmed there is now a homeprice double dip. Yet American consumer spending […]

War Crimes

June 1, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

It is easy to feel self righteous when a notorious war criminal is brought to book. It is even easier to feel that smugness which comes from the knowledge that we, as individuals, would never do such things, nor would our country. Sadly that is not wholly true. It is odd when victorious military commanders […]

Libya: End in Sight?

June 1, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

There do seem to be some hopeful signs of rebel progress and battle fatigue of the Gaddafi regime. The Colonel remains in power nevertheless and gave the South African President short shrift in his latest peace effort. By boxing themselves in with declarations that Gaddafi must go, the international community whether in the guise of […]

FIFA and Sepp Blatter

May 31, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Leaders who have been at the helm for a while, sometimes hang on too long. Often they feel they still have a lot still to give. This appears to be the situation with the outgoing president of FIFA. Not only is he the only candidate in the new election, but he does not think FIFA […]

Sarah Palin

May 31, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Will she or won’t she? There are reports she is about to begin a mini tour of eastern States. Is this a sign? Who else is there lining up for the Republican ticket? Are there any big hitters? Or is it clear already that Obama cannot be stopped? Sarah Palin has charisma and is a […]

Growth Forecast from the BCC

May 30, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The British Chambers of Commerce have marginally downgraded their growth forecast. These projections, of point this and that, are really not the story. The BCC acknowledges the importance of re-balancing the economy from domestic consumption to manufacturing and exports and this cannot be achieved without near flat lining while the changeover is in play. They […]

Osborne:Economic Choppy Waters

May 26, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

It was inevitable that times would get more difficult. The UK economy has to completely re-balance as well as reduce the budget deficit. That is two major undertakings at the same time. The Eurozone is struggling to contain its sovereign debt crisis. Up to three countries are on the potential debt re-structure list, which means default in […]