Category: Malcolm Blair Robinson

Civilian Deaths

April 26, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

There appears to be a notion developing that somehow it is possible to have a war, even a civil war, without putting innocent civilians at risk. This may have been possible once upon a time when armies met on the field in set piece battles, but all that came to an end before the start […]

Afghanistan: The Forgotten War

April 25, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The media hardly reports on this war any more. As stalemates go the conflict is stale to the point of putrefaction. News breaks today of a well planned mass breakout from the highest security Kandaha prison. Actually the escape tunnel was dug from outside in, so it can be classed as a rescue by the Taliban […]

Nick Clegg Hits Back

April 24, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

It is impossible to have a referendum without a campaign, as the Coalition has discovered. The NO campaign has made Nick Clegg the reason for voting NO. An emboldened Cameron claimed he was happy with ‘help my friend’ internships after his deputy said they were unfair. The NO leaflet which came through my door gave […]

Libya: Time for a Ceasefire

April 24, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

It is now universally accepted that there is stalemate all round in Libya. NATO cannot tip the balance in favour of a rebel win, neither can it stop Gaddafi altogether. Gaddafi cannot stop the rebels. They cannot break through to Tripoli.There may also be stalemate in the support for either side. Not all Libya backs […]

AV: A Better Way

April 23, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

One poll has significantly narrowed the NO lead to 2%. It may be a rogue or it may be the start of a trend. There do seem to be signs that the YES campaign is picking up speed. I had thought they had lost it, but maybe not. We have little to no experience of […]

Libya: Drones Deployed

April 22, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

As predicted in this Blog (post 16 April), the Pentagon was moving to this decision. As yet, I suspect, Gaddafi is not a target. Precision strikes at urban concentrations of government armour will be the most likely start. Nevertheless in addition to known deficiencies of  this adventure (no clear objective, no exit strategy) we now […]

America’s Credit Rating

April 19, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

This remains top notch, but there is a warning. Sort out your deficit and borrowing mountain, or face a downgrade. S&P yesterday issued this warning, not to Spain , or Greece, Ireland or Portugal, but to the mighty United States of America. Markets plunged in fright. The world paused for breath. Wow. Yet this is […]

Defaults Coming Down the Line.

April 18, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The general election in Finland has produced a mix of parties less favourable to EU bailouts in a parliament which, unusually, the new government will have to gain approval from for its support of the Portugese rescue. This has sent shivers round various capitals and quite a chill in some European Banks. It is now ever […]

Economic Pointers

April 18, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

An Item Club report points up the fact that many British companies are cash rich. This is a very important statistic and shows how confused some politicians have become, with their demands for more, which means rash, lending by banks. Dividends are also on the rise. What this means is that outside the High Street, […]