Category: Malcolm Blair Robinson

Libyan War

March 20, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The Hawks are happy, the doves dismayed and the rest apprehensive. The attack on the Gaddafi military infrastructure and forces has begun impressively, with a formidable demonstration of allied technical firepower.These wars always begin well. What is, once again, unclear is the exit strategy. Where is this going? If Gaddafi’s forces are stopped, as they […]

Libya Developments

March 19, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Things seem to be happening. First a ceasefire, now an invitation to observers. The difficulty is that what the Libyan government says is happening and what is actually happening may not be the same. Interestingly while Gaddafi talks about attacking insurgents and showing no mercy, his ministers announce a halt to all military operations. This may […]

UN 1973: Success For Cameron and Sarkozy

March 18, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

There is no doubt that U.N. resolution 1973 is a success for the Prime Minister and re-establishes the credibility of the Foreign Office. It takes the pressure off  Hague. It was not unanimous, but nobody voted against. The list of abstentions is impressive, however; Germany, Russia, China, India and Brazil. These countries either dislike getting involved […]

Libya Policy

March 16, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

This blog is cautious about the value and wisdom of a No Fly Zone. At the moment it is a non runner. America sits on the fence. Russia, China and Germany are opposed. Only Britain and France are gung ho and pressing the case. So far the Arab League have supported, conditional upon a U.N. […]

AV Referendum and the Lib Dems

March 16, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

This is going to be more interesting than at first it appeared. I repeat, having posted it often, that under our constitution there is no need whatever to hold a referendum to vary the voting system and no such referenda have been held in the past. When negotiating the Coalition Agreement, the Lib Dems believed […]

Doctors Behaving Badly

March 15, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

You do not have to search farther than the BMA’s  first special meeting for twenty years to find out what is wrong with the NHS and why change must happen to protect the future of our universal healthcare in a modern world. The rubbish that many doctors talk tells us all. The government must confront these […]

English Baccalaureate

March 14, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

This is where this blog backs Michael Gove to the hilt. Indeed we like this part of his education reforms so much that we forgive the others which are irelevant. We even forgive his neo-con leanings. From the start of comprehensive schools to the departure of New Labour, education has been subject to continuous political […]

Libya-New Dynamics

March 13, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

This started as a popular demonstration to end Gaddafi’s rule. It is now a full blown civil war. Militarily, Gaddafi now has the upper hand. The rebels are significantly outgunned and to hold their gains, will require outside support or defections, including equipment, from the regular forces. However, for the rebels, all is by no […]


March 13, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The scale of this disaster exceeds modern experience. The loss of life is likely to far exceed the numbers talked of so far. The discipline, calm and response of  Japan’s authorities and people evokes the admiration of all the world. Over forty countries have mobilised to send support. Yet nobody knows how big this disaster […]

Civil Service Pensions

March 10, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

This has been a ticking bomb under the public finances for a very long time and Lord Hutton, a former Labour minister, is to be commended for the realism and frankness of his report. Civil Service unions are understandably angry and will do all they can to protect their members’ retirement expectations. However the truth […]