Category: Malcolm Blair Robinson

Libya and Cameron

March 9, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

David Cameron’s bellicose declarations over Libya are misguided. I suspect they are at variance with the view of the foreign secretary and might account additionally to the problems described in my previous post today. Libya is for all practical purposes in a state of civil war. Civil wars are battles between opposing factions in a […]

Hague and The Foreign Office

March 9, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

There is no denying three things. The first is there is a detectable shift in foreign policy which makes it separate from and more independent of, that of the U.S.. Second, while the thrust is right, the execution has at times during the Libya crisis been ham fisted. The third is that William Hague, in his […]


March 6, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

One of the problems with a major foreign policy blunder, is that it continues to impact long after the event and over a much wider field. The interventionist agenda of Blair and Bush, with its futile, unwinnable and destructive foreign wars, is now playing into the hands of the Gaddafi family, who have been able to […]

Bank Governor Speaks

March 5, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

It is my opinion that Mervyn King is the best Governor in my lifetime. His grasp of what is wrong with the banks far exceeds the grasp of most politicians. He is entirely in tune with the experience of the country, which has suffered a blow to its economy which equates to the cost of a major […]

Barnsley Central

March 4, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

This result appears as a disaster for the Lib Dems. Actually it is confirmation of something already known, but by some ignored. History shows us, from the time the proactive Liberals went with the Conservatives into the National government in 1931, that if the first past the post system prevails, an electoral pact with the Tories […]

Neo-Cons in the Coalition

March 3, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Evidently the bellicose noises coming from the Prime Minister at the beginning of the week about Libya and a no fly zone, were the result of encouragement from two neo-cons in his cabinet, George Osborne and Michael Gove. It was clear to many that this was a policy fraught with complications. Quickly scorn was poured on […]

No Fly Zone

March 1, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

There is increasing talk of this escalation over the Libya crisis. Certainly it makes military sense to have a plan ready and move suitable carrier borne and land based aircraft and other assets into position in case such a move becomes necessary. It may also have a deterrent effect on Gaddafi, if he knows (or at least […]

Good Manufacturing News

February 28, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

This sector is now growing faster than at any time in the last twenty years. This is an important sign of the the re-balancing of the economy essential to long term recovery. It is not just a case of shrinking the state, but also the service sector. There are signs too that over reliance by business […]

More Focus

February 28, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Things are looking better for the government in its handling of the Libya crisis. The dithers and gaffes of the first few days have given way to some daring actions by the military and evacuations, of many nationalities including Americans, which have made headlines. There is now some sense of urgency as well as gravity in […]

Government Wobbles

February 25, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

At one level the coalition government is doing well. Most people who are not part of the opposition cavalcade approve of where it is trying to head the country and what it is trying to achieve. Not all are confident it is on the right path to achieve those goals, but they feel that if […]