Category: Malcolm Blair Robinson

AV Referendum

February 16, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

This is going to be very interesting. Apparently current polls show the thing is close. Referenda are notorious because too often people vote to make a point different to the question on the ballot paper. There has been speculation that former Lib Dem supporters, who feel betrayed by tuition fees, will vote No to punish Clegg.  Sounds […]

The Big Society

February 15, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

This is a lofty idea, or even an ideal. It has proved very difficult to articulate and may have lost as many votes as it gained at the last general election. Lyndon Johnson had a Great Society in the U.S., which he hoped would define his Presidency. In fact it foundered on Viet Nam. Margaret Thatcher […]

Israel and the Egyptian Revolution

February 14, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

There has been no capital where the shock of events in Egypt has been felt more than that of Israel. The impact is noticeable in a much less strident, more conciliatory tone from Israeli government spokespeople. For all its faults and in spite of the obduracy of recent years, Israel is a democracy and, because of this, […]

Ken Clarke’s Warning

February 12, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

As an ex-chancellor (quite a good one) and an elder statesman, Ken Clarke’s thoughts always have traction and his warnings about the effect on the middle class of next year’s cuts should be heeded. It is indeed true that it will not be just those on benefits who will fee the pinch. It is also true […]

New Dynamic of Government

February 12, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

What is happening in Egypt is remarkable. It is remarkable for a load of reasons, but one is truly remarkable above all the others. This revolution has no leader. It is driven by spontaneous people power, working together through modern instant communication technology. The masses became one. Almost between one week and the next one […]

Egypt: Ongoing Drama

February 11, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Clearly this is not going to be resolved as easily as many in the West had hoped. I suspect the situation has moved from the prospect of a change of government and a relaxation of strictures on rights and freedoms, to a fundamental upheaval which will change Egypt for ever. It may be as fundamental, […]

Merlin Project

February 10, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

This does not deal withn the key issues, which await the report of the IBC, but it does offer some political respite for the government. This respite may be short. Unfortunately the emotion understandably driving public re-action to all things banking is obscuring three things. The first is that the structure is wrong and it […]

U.S. and Israel

February 9, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Today is an historic day, though with the term in almost hourly use by the media to describe events in Egypt, its significance has been given less coverage than it deserves. For the first time in many years the U.K Foreign Secretary has been openly critical of American foreign policy and put distance between London and […]

Bank Levy

February 8, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

This news is not a substitute for a proper reorganisation of the banks but it will be popular with those outside the City. The banks should be pleased that they have been let off lightly. However, the attempt by the government to pusuade the banks to enter into some sort of agreement to lend more […]

Free Schools

February 7, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

This blog has never been happy about this idea. It does not mean that it is a bad idea, but it is certainly a bad idea to introduce what amounts to an ideological opportunity to sharp elbowed parents, at a time when money is short even to keep mainstream schools in proper repair. It is also […]