Category: Malcolm Blair Robinson

Irish Government in Meltdown

January 22, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The Irish government is collapsing before our eyes, like some fictional administration in a rather weak soap. The Irish people deserve better than this. Their country is at the point of financial dysfunction, their banks are bust and they are in debt up to their necks.  But they are patriotic and determined, they are absorbing cuts in […]

Tony Blair

January 22, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

What a performance! He will become one of the most discredited politicians of history and for good reason. It is all very sad. He had such promise and there were such high points, the Good Friday Agreement being perhaps the highest. He then became addicted to war, entirely without any strategic grasp, as an instrument of […]

Phone Hacking

January 22, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

This story has now really taken off, yet I think it is of much greater interest to the media than to ordinary people. Evidently the police saw an enormous can of worms, involving various levels of spying on celebrities to pick up gossip to sell more newspapers, and thought they had better things to do […]

Alan Johnson

January 21, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Leaks and rumours abound. A policeman has been put under investigation. This is clearly a very difficult time for the former shadow chancellor. It also explains his apparent difficulties in that role. There will be some distressing times ahead for him, but he will have a good deal of public sympathy, especially among the grass […]

New Political Dynamic

January 21, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

There are two big mistakes each side can now make. The Government would be in grave error if it did not acknowledge that Ed Balls has the power to land very damaging blows, especially as the cuts begin to bite. The Opposition would be in equally grave error if it did not recognise that it […]

Ed Milliband Acts

January 20, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Twice if not more, this blog has pointed out to Ed that his top team were all in the wrong jobs and he has now acted. Good for him. The new line up is much better and will make politics much more lively. Ed Balls is currently the best advocate for Labour’s economic policy, which is one, nevertheless, with which this […]

N.H.S. Reform

January 17, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

David Cameron and the government are right to champion NHS reform. When there is a crisis emergency it is superb, when it goes about its daily business it is shambolic. Shambolic in the way it wastes the full potential of the dedication and expertise of its medical and nursing staff; shambolic in its relationship with doctors […]

Education Maintenance Allowance

January 16, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Scrapping this excellent benefit is one of the Coalition’s more serious mistakes. This claims to be a government with education at the heart of its programme (don’t they all!). Some of its tinkering with school structures are simply meddlesome and pander to minority pressure groups. Others, like making sense of a stressful and inefficient exam […]

New Format for this Blog

January 15, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

We are now inundated with literally thousands of automated ping back and intelligent spam comments all of which have to be checked, as some are irrelevant, unsuitable or from unsuitable websites. From now on all comments will close after the post has been up for five days It will be possible to post comments without giving […]

BP Oil Deal

January 15, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

This is very good news for BP and it is very good news for the U.K. It is good news because it provides further enhancement of oil supplies, which, because of the rising demand for energy from emerging economies, will be needed until the age of nuclear electricity and electric cars, augmented by wind and sun, […]