Category: Malcolm Blair Robinson

Ed Milliband

January 4, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Ed’s leadership is in trouble. This is very disappointing for this Blog. We thought him the best choice. Can he recover? Probably. What has gone wrong? That is more complex. First of all I have always been opposed to David. His attachment to the cynical politics of New Labour with its lies, spin, dangerous foreign […]

House Price Stability

January 3, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Grant Shapps, the housing Minister, has made  the courageous (politically) observation in an interview in The Observer that house price inflation is bad and we need stability in house prices, which should gradually reduce to represent a smaller percentage of income outlay. He thinks a roof should be seen as a necessity not as a […]

2011 Economic Must Do List

January 2, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

At the start of every new year top quality economic commentators predict which way the economic wind will blow. Some are correct, many are wrong. This Blog will not predict, but it will lay out what has to be done with a must do list, without which, wherever we go, will be in the wrong direction. […]

2010 Was it a Good Year ?

December 27, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Well, that depends who you are, where, your circumstances and your politics. We can all think of the teeming millions for whom it was not a good year at all. This Blog will concentrate on the U.K. The coalition government was a good thing. It has been strong and effective, though recently the Telegraph scam has […]

A Perfect Economic Storm 2011

December 23, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

There have been some disturbing recent figures, ignored by the markets and lost in the snow. None of these is in itself a cause for undue anxiety, given that the  economic times are anxious anyway, but taken together they could be a portent of something nasty. The first is that unemployment has started to rise. […]

Coalition Tensions – Media Issues

December 22, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

This is becoming a multi-strand political story, with different facets. I intend to deal with each separately. First the media.  There is a question of whether it is right and proper to make an appointment to see and M.P., pretending to be a constituent, when one is in fact a reporter wired up with the […]

Vince Cable

December 21, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Vince Cable has been taped saying things about Coalition policies which he thought were private. He was caught by the dodge of wired reporters pretending to be constituents. This kind of sting is now common, though, so far, politicians have not been primary targets. It is part of the same culture as Wikileaks and it […]