Category: Malcolm Blair Robinson

Unite Strike Call.

December 20, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

This is utterly ridiculous and has rightly been rubbished by both Government and Opposition. The Unions are not the government and are not charged with governing. They thought they were in the seventies and brought the country to its knees, condemned Labour to 18 years in Oppostion and made the passing of laws to curb their […]

Snow and the Authorities.

December 20, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

We begin to get the picture. The authorities are only partly prepared for snow. They can cope if it is not too bad. When it gets for real, the complexity and inter-dependence of the transport infrastructure, which has cost countless £billions to set up, is not matched by investment in a means of keeping it running […]

Banks Still Frail

December 17, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The report from the Bank of England underlines just what a mess our banks are in, although it tries to sound cautious and optimistic. Not only are these banks under capitalised for what they do, they owe half a  £trillion which has to be refinanced over the next two years. Furthermore the report reminds us […]

NHS Reforms

December 16, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Never mind the detail. The principle is the issue and the principle is right. The NHS has become a process, not a facility. Its function is to treat every patient as an individual, just as any human life is unique, and not only put them right when their health fails, but also to keep them […]

Legalising Drugs.

December 16, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The intervention by Bob Ainsworth is timely. The current legal framework is a complete failure and has created exactly the kind of criminal economy which existed in the U.S. during the years of Prohibition, worth £billions annually.  Moreover drug use is more or less out of control and illegal substances can be obtained in every […]

Stopping Bank Bonuses

December 15, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The Irish Finance Minister has acted promptly to shut down the programme of one his busted banks to pay out millions of euros in staff bonuses, which the management claimed  they were legally obliged to pay. This is exactly what should have happened everywhere including the U.K. The proposition that to do so would drive […]

Coalition Stress

December 13, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The tuition fees saga has revealed fault lines in both parties in the Coalition government.  There is no need to panic, the future still looks good, but it is a  moment to take stock. Things are not as they appear. Let us begin with the Tories. The Right of the Tory party considers itself the mainstream […]

Royal Protection.

December 11, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

There are two versions of the Prince Charles and Camilla incident. One, the traditional one, is that in the way of Royals who will allow nothing to come between them and their duty, the pair set off  for the Royal Variety Performance in the ancient Rolls, a charming relic of a bygone era, took the easy […]

Policing Demos

December 11, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Something is not right in the crowd control culture of the Metropolitan Police. I sometimes think we have one force for everything in the capital, when in a modern world we need more than one. We do not, for example, expect a GPs to perform heart surgery. There were clearly disgraceful scenes when troublemakers among the […]


December 10, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Today is a tense moment in relations between China and the West, because of the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo. The issue at the heart of the matter is the pace at which China develops from its old Maoist Communism into a freer more open society. The West believes that democracy […]