Category: Malcolm Blair Robinson

Data Wars

December 9, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

This new development is even more historically interesting than the Wikileaks themselves. It may have the same profound impact as the rise of trade unions in the Victorian era. The U.S. and its allies has deplored Wikileaks activities and rejoices in his arrest, on sex charges prompting an extradition request from Sweden. This Blog has […]

Lib Dem Agony

December 9, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

There are reports that while a good number of Lib Dem MPs may abstain in the  vote  today on tuition fees, some, maybe many, will vote against. They may include two former party leaders, the Deputy Leader and the President. This unfortunate party shambles is being played out without personal attacks or rancour common in political […]

Brown’s Euro Crisis Warning

December 8, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Gordon Brown, former Chancellor whose policies fuelled the Boom and Prime Minister in charge at the Bust, has, in an interview with Robert Peston, made a dramatic and prescient intervention in the Euro crisis. He has said the worst is yet to come and it may be coming as soon as the New Year. He […]

The Lockerbie Bomber

December 8, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The latest Wikileak brings this back on the agenda. In my book 2010 A Blueprint For Change, I had quite a bit to say about this. There are four elements to the aftermath of the tragedy. The first is who did it. The second is the grief of the bereaved. The third is justice for the guilty and […]

Euro Zone Finance Ministers

December 7, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The Euro Zone finance Ministers are now on their way home. There was no agreement to increase the size of the bail out fund nor to introduce a Euro zone bond. Germany opposed both. More important, if you want to look beneath the surface, is the number of German voters who want to quit the Euro, or […]

December 7, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

NATO Plans The latest Wikileaks contain an interesting plan for the defence of Poland and the Baltic states from a Russian attack. On the one hand this is just military  preparedness for any eventuality. On the other it is stoking tension to no purpose. Russian military doctrine, though nervous of NATO encirclement, no longer sees […]

December 7, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Euro Zone Bond This is the latest idea for bringing a more uniform approach to sovereign debt, supported by some countries but opposed by Germany. So that is that. Even more so, if non- euro members of the E.U. were to be asked to guarantee such a bond. There is absolutely no chance of the […]

December 6, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Curbing the Banks There are reports of earnest and productive talks going on between the banks and the government to improve relations and find common ground for a way froward. The apparent curb on bank bashing, an important talisman for all the parties in the general election, seems to be about needing the banks to […]

December 6, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Latest Wikileaks This blog has been relaxed about Wikileaks thus far. Mostly they have been about who thinks what of whom in diplomatic cables mixed with analysis of foreign governments, which does not accord with official statements. This is not unhelpful in modern democracy, in which  there are too many hidden secrets which are not secrets at all, […]

December 5, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Lib Dem Difficulties This is bad weekend for Liberal Democrats. There appears to be tension between Clegg and Cable over tuition fees. The latter has been buffeted by seemingly the inexplicable logic of hinting he may vote against his own policy. The voting public, uncluttered by the quite complex psychology of being a Lib Dem in […]