Category: Malcolm Blair Robinson

October 11, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Afghan Tragedy Such terrible news when a rescue mission goes wrong and worse when friend kills friend. I have heard various officers defending the very sad outcome as a risk inherent in a dangerous mission. There are some questions to answer nevertheless. Two in particular: Why was the mission launched against the advice of local […]

October 11, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Graduate Tax Apparently this is no longer on the cards. There are certain unavoidable truths. University have to be paid either by the taxpayer or the student. If the decision that all or part should be paid by the student, as the majority do not have the ready cash, either they must be lent the […]

October 11, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Israel and Middle East Peace Once again this hangs by a thread because of Israeli settlement building. This aggressive policy, without foundation in international law, is condemned by almost every government across the world including all Israel’s allies. It also offends countless Jewish people, integrated into countries in the West. Nobody seems to be able […]

October 9, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The Taliban, NATO and Afghanistan The sad news of the death in the midst of a rescue attempt of the courageous British aid worker, brings this torturd region back to the top of the news. Soon all those in authority will have to emerge from denial and face reality. The NATO mission has failed. The […]

October 8, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Alan Johnson As predicted in this blog earlier, neither Ed Balls nor his wife Yvette Cooper made it to Shadow Chancellor. Both have been given decent high profile jobs, but both would have been easy pickings for the Coalition if either had shadowed the Treasury. Alan Johnson, who I thought months ago would be a good […]

October 8, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Lord Hutton  and Public Sector Pensions Lord Hutton’s interim report is welcome, but may cause anxiety among public sector workers. This is hardly to be wondered at since they have all been living in a fantasy world, which many, but not the majority, helped to create.  There can be no future system which is based on […]

October 8, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Falling House Prices The apparently alarming news from the Halifax that in September house prices took a record fall of  3.6%, is in fact a very good thing. While everyone argues about cuts in the part of the economy under the control of politicians, the state sector, there is a real economy rebuilding and reshaping […]

October 8, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Ed Milliband’s Choice Now that the Shadow Cabinet has been elected, the Labour Leader has to make those chosen into a powerful opposition team, capable of harrying the Coalition in parliament, in the county and across the media. The new team needs to look like a new government in waiting. It must not look like the old defeated […]

October 7, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

National Security Committee This is apparently meeting today to try and decide what to do about the two mega carriers ordered by Labour. Apparently it will cost more to build one than two, such is the compensation package for cancellation agreed by the most incompetent department in the history of government in this country, the […]

October 6, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

David Cameron It was a good Leader’s speech. The Conference liked it. The media liked it. There was a theme of hope and a warning of cuts. This is the point perhaps. Any speech made before the Spending Review is announced in a fortnight is doing no more than marking time. That will change the […]