Category: Malcolm Blair Robinson

September 21, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Cuts and Politics The Lib Dems have kicked off the debate among the political parties as the conference season gets under way. The Unions had a go last week. Unfortunately the argument is becoming narrow and polarised. First comes the question when? When is now. A record level of government borrowing for August of £16 billion […]

September 21, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Gay Rights in the U.S. The Senate is debating an amendment to the law to allow openly gay people to serve legally in U.S Forces. Passions are aroused on all sides. There is talk of filibusters so that the bill runs out of time and falls. Once again this reveals the other side of the […]

September 19, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The Army There are reports in the media that the Army is getting nervous that the Defence Review will cut its cloth more than the other two services. I hope it does. This is not an army country. Today, in addition to celebrations with the Pope, this nation celebrates what is now seen as one of the […]

September 18, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Nick Clegg The Lib Dems are gathering for their annual conference; the first of the main parties to do so. The timing is unfortunate to the extent that the new Labour leader is not to be known until the following week. This will determine the nature of Labour over the next few years. As the smallest […]

September 17, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Labour and the Millibands Today the Times comes out in favour of David and against Ed. It prefers David’s more moderate interpretation of Centre Left and reckons he will win elections more easily. He also has better judgement internationally and would be tougher on Iran. I profoundly disagree. The story of the foreign office under his […]

September 16, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Credible Deterrent The Chief of the Defence Staff (shortly to retire) has said that if you cannot afford Trident it is better to have nothing. His argument is that anything less will not deter and no deterrent is better than a weak one. It sounds good but it is rubbish. In many ways Trident is […]

September 16, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Back to the Church of England The somewhat controversial visit of the Pope highlights the role of religion in culture and society. Too often the discussions revolve around unhappy issues where the churches have fallen short. In this melting pot the relationship between Rome and Canterbury becomes confused and detached from history. The Roman Catholic […]

September 15, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Defence Review. Anxiety is building up among some MPs and military brass that cuts will be imposed impeding our forces’ ability to maintain current operations. This is the whole idea. Or it should be. This country can afford to defend itself and its vital interests with the most advanced modern weapons sufficient to deter or destroy any […]

September 15, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Governor’s Speech to TUC Mervyn King made a brave speech today and came clean with the Trade Unions that the crash was not the fault of their members. This endorsement should be warmly appreciated by all those union bosses not blinkered by a political agenda in danger of neutering their collective power. The public will back a […]

September 15, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Tea Party It is very intersting that Tea Party candidates, endorsed by Sarah Palin, are gaining ground in Republican primaries. From what I have heard and read of their opinions and approach, I am much reminded of the arguments of the secessionist politicians of the 1850’s. Slavery was then the talisman, as Healthcare is this time, but […]