Category: Malcolm Blair Robinson

August 2, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Trident and Related Matters It is a very good thing that George Osborne has told the MOD that if it wants to upgrade Trident it will have to pay for it. This will concentrate minds on the fact that realism must be the basis of the Defence Review. I have given a lot of thought […]

August 2, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Banks in Profit This week the Banks will be announcing their first half profits which are predicted to be much higher than more recent figures. HSBC, which did not directly involve itself in taxpayer loans, though benefited indirectly from the whole industry wide rescue package, is first up with a big jump. This has provoked the […]

August 1, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Home Truths Whatever the hoohaa over Cameron and Pakistan the essential truth remains and we have to face it. It is not unusual for intellgence services to be split on ideological issues. We had some problems of our own during the cold war and there is powerful evidence of large scale betrayal during WWII of […]

July 31, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Backlash David Cameron should be unfazed by Pakistani reaction to his remarks and the cancellation of a visit by the ISI. A robust foreign policy is based on telling it as we see it and following British national interests which are clearly defined. We see a stable and economically powerful India as a better partner […]

July 30, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Iran Reports from Iran tell a story of an increasing crackdown by what has become a repressive and nervous regime. Its nuclear ambitions demonstrate a technological sophistication which presents a curious irony. More and more of the educated young are turning against the Ayatollah’s State, their common purpose given momentum by the communications potential of the […]

July 30, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Pakistan Following David Cameron’s strong words on Pakistan, commentators have been reviewing its situation. This reveals ever more clearly the sheer destructive lunacy of the Bush/Blair foreign policy. It also shows that the idiotic War on Terror has actually stoked up the threat from terrorism as well as terrorist attacks.  Pakistan itself has suffered more […]

July 29, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

David Miliband David Miliband has described David Cameron as a loudmouth because he disagrees with the Prime Minister’s directness over Gaza and Pakistan. Not only is this a truly absurd description of the smoothest talker in British politics, but it says a great deal about Miliband’s rotten judgement. It also tells us why he was such a […]

July 29, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Melting Pot There is a lot going on with this new government and we are beginning to see a major shift of emphasis right across the spectrum. Not all of it is yet in effect, but it is quite a list. There is an edgier approach to foreign policy as discussed recently in this Blog, which recognises […]

July 28, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

House Prices The National Institute of Economic and Social Research, a respected think tank, predicts that house prices will start to fall again, perhaps up to 30% over the next few years, after adjusting for inflation. It argues that prices are still too expensive and must continue to adjust downwards. Sensibly priced housing, which performs […]

July 28, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Junior Partner There have been raised eyebrows over Cameron’s declaration that we are the junior partner to the U.S. and he leads a delegation to India with ‘humility’. This Blog supports the PM’s approach. One of the primary reasons that for so long our foreign policy has been little more than ceremonial is because of our unwillingness to […]