Category: Malcolm Blair Robinson

July 27, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Child Protection The Serious Case Review of the death of Khyra Ishaq reveals once again the inadequate nature of the entire system of dealing with the whole challenge of vulnerable children and families. This is why I have argued at some length for the need of reform and proposed the setting up of a new judicial structure based on […]

July 27, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Refreshing Foreign Policy I have been dismissive of our foreign policy both under Miliband and Hague. This maybe the point when I have to change my tune. I am enormously impressed with Cameron’s outspoken encouragement for Turkey in its bid to join the E.U. and his recognition of its importance as a westernised democratic Muslim power of the […]

July 27, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Losses and Progress BP is making progress. The new CEO is American and the old one leaves only with his contractual dues based on nearly thirty years service and not some lavish pay off. However its assumption that it will not be considered grossly negligent may prove optimistic. Neither is there any certainty on what the size […]

July 26, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

More Leaks at BP. The briefings, leaks or whatever which have been circulating for days about Tony Hayward’s departure have done nothing for BP’s battered image. The statement by the company that no final decision has been made is ridiculous. A most urgent review of personnel and advisers is required in the communications and public relations […]

July 26, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Afghan Leaks At one level there is a worry with this sort of thing that lives will be put at risk. At another there is a sense of annoyance that so much is kept secret when the secrecy is needed to prevent criticism and embarrassment. These revelations tell us little we did not know, more […]

July 25, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

North Korea This unstable, impoverished and reclusive country, having deliberately sunk a South Korean warship with considerable loss of life, has now issued, in the face of modest military exercises in the Sea of Japan designed to remind it not to be irresponsible, wild threats to start a war and use its nuclear ‘deterrent’. Washington has been […]

July 25, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

America in the Round America has overdone things over B.P. and Lockerbie, whatever its anger at events in the Gulf of Mexico or over the bombing of the Pan Am flight. Americans see themselves as innocent in both disasters, but the rest of the world does not see so clear cut a picture. On top of […]

July 23, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Senate Inquiry Scottish Ministers and officials have refused to appear before the U.S. Senate inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the release of the Lockerbie bomber. This is the right. The decision to release Al Magrahi, whether you like it or not and whether it was lobbied for or not, was taken by Scotland, under its […]

July 23, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Growth Figures These are better than expected and better still because they show almost all the growth coming from the private sector. Osborne is pleased because it underscores the view that cutting now is essential, a cry being taken up all over Europe, though not in the U.S. so far. He points out that with growth […]

July 22, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Warning Signs Nick Clegg’s appearance at PMQ’s will not be judged a success and he has been made a figure of fun by political commentators and the media generally. Maybe he was not as well briefed as his boss or maybe he departed from his brief. Essentially he said what he thought rather than what […]