Category: Malcolm Blair Robinson

July 9, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The NHS The reforms proposed by the Government to put GPs in charge of the patient and therefore where and how they should be referred, returns to the basic principle of healthcare. This is that the two people  at the core of a coherent approach to solving health issues are the personal doctor and the patient. Between […]

July 8, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The Meaning of Sangin It makes perfect military sense, we are told, and it is not a withdrawal but a handing over. Whatever it is if it takes our troops to a less dangerous part of the country it is welcome news. Our troops have shown valour and courage in full measure, in sharp contrast […]

July 8, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

China’s Financial Power America and markets generally were relieved when China’s State Administration of Foreign Exchange (Safe) announced that it would not be dumping U.S. assets in a programme to diversify its foreign exchange reserves, the largest in the world. It said such a move was unnecessary. However it called upon the U.S to ‘genuinely take […]

July 7, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Public Finances and other Thoughts Having halted for review all school building not yet signed off to start, the government is now signalling that public sector pensions and employment terms are going to brought closer to the private sector, which pays for them in taxation, gaining no benefit other than the knowledge that civil servants are happy. […]

July 6, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Back Soon There have been no updates to this Blog since last Saturday. This is because my time has been taken up on another project. I hope to be back later today and normal contributions will return on Wednesday July 7th.

July 3, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The Royal Navy There is a big case for re-establishing the Royal Navy as our key armed force as well as our deterrent. We have never really been a military power. Our Empire was built on Naval power and this remains the best instrument of defending the United Kingdom’s interests as well as its security. […]

July 3, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Russia As revelations of the curious deep cover spy ring trickle out, there are plenty of agitated commentators willing to have a go at the Russians, seeing them as up to their old tricks, still a potential enemy. This is arrant nonsense. Russia is not, nor ever has been, our enemy. Russia as been the ally […]

July 3, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Referendum This Blog is opposed to the referendum on AV and or fewer MPs for a very good reason. It is completely unesessary under our contitution. There has never been any sort of referendum over voting arrangements or franchise details for the House of Commons. These arrangements are initiated by Parliamentary majority and approved by the […]

July 2, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Credit Crunch on the Horizon Again Clouds are gathering. There is open talk of another credit crunch. Too many banks are either exposed to shakey European sovereign debt, or need to start repaying soon loans given to bail them out or both. Some banks may be at risk. This makes all of them nervous. They stop […]

July 1, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Afghanistan The Taliban have told the BBC (John Simpson, the world’s top foreign commentator in my view) that they are winning and will not talk to NATO. Allied troops have just suffered their worst month for casualties. Congress has blocked $4 billion of aid because of corruption among Afghan officials. Gen Patraeus hints that he may […]