Category: Malcolm Blair Robinson

June 23, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Troublesome Generals When President Lincoln was urged to get rid of Grant because of excessive casualties, he responded  ‘I cannot spare this man. He fights.’ President Obama will be pondering on this historical parallel today.

June 23, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Cuts Debate The government has signalled that if additional cuts can be found in the Welfare bill, some services may be spared the worst. This Blog would advocate going further on the benefits reform. When the 1945 Labour landslide heralded the creation of the Welfare State times were different. The poor were to be uplifted […]

June 22, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Osborne’s Big Day Well now we know. This Blog will not dissect the budget as there are so many expert commentators doing this that the market approaches saturation. Some quick points. What I liked The increase in capital gains for higher rate taxpayers The raising of the tax threshold for the low paid The increase in […]

June 22, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Honey Bees New research is to be undertaken to try and discover why there has been a marked decline in honey bees, who perform a vital pollinating function in the ecological system. The decline in the number and variety of wild flowers is thought to be a contributing factor by some. I am fortunate to live […]

June 21, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The Budget It looks as if the scale of cuts will be quite spectacular. This blog remains politically impartial in terms of party, but is in no doubt that the fiscal deficit has to be cut back quickly so that the budget balances, which will still leave us years of debt reduction which may take […]

June 21, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Afghanistan A sad but inevitable milestone has passed with the news that the total number of service men and women to lose their lives in Afghanistan has reached three hundred. Meanwhile the scale of violence in that tortured country rises. Another statistic that shows the heroism of our troops, but is very disturbing, is that […]

June 19, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Trouble in the Camp News comes in that Anadarko, one of BP’s partners in the ill fated Deepwater Horizon project is now breaking ranks and accusing the oil giant of gross negligence and so forth. A big lawsuit is in preparation. That is more bad news. There are other items of interest. The Russian President […]

June 19, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

England I have not played football since I was twelve. It is not one of my interests. I do watch the lifestyle of the players, who are paid huge sums and are idolised by youngsters, to whom they are heroes. I know that stories about them sell papers and are an essential feature of tabloid circulation. I […]

June 18, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Disappointment in Sheffield The news that the government was cancelling an £80 million loan to Sheffield Forgemasters has caused natural dismay locally. However, quite apart from the fact that the previous government had no money to back the promise, it should not have had to offer it in the first place. This is what Banks […]

June 18, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Free Schools This blog has misgivings about this policy. It does, however have an attraction. For too long politicians have had input into and meddled with what is taught and by what method, often egged on by academics of the worst kind with crackpot theories and daft ideas. Teachers and even parents have seen their […]