Category: Malcolm Blair Robinson

June 2, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Economic Reovery It is worth having a look at the way things stand, as they do not look quite as hopeful as we might have expected, given the better than expected progress in the second half of 2009. Now we have the problems in the Eurozone, B.P and cuts, not just in the U.K but in […]

June 1, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Israel What a mess. This was a disaster waiting to happen. It is borne of the utter and absolute bankruptcy of Israel’s foreign policy, which towards its Palestinian neighbour is vindictive, pitiless and cruel. Moreover its excuse that it is a response to terrorism is as bankrupt as the policy overall. This is because the […]

May 31, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Some Worrying Figures Whilst media attention is focused once again on the finances of members of the Cabinet, we think it is time to look at the big picture. There are some disquieting figures. Here are some of them. If we look at where the real cash is, we look at the foreign currency reserves of […]

May 31, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Cameron’s Mistake Now the new Chief  Secretary’s financial affairs are all across the Telegraph. I do not intend to dissect or discuss the expense and taxation rules which are now the subject of claim and counter claim. Whatever the outcome the coalition is damaged. There are two elements to the damage. This Blog recommended Cameron appoint […]

May 29, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

So It Has Happened Nobody can be immune from sympathy for David Laws. Nevertheless public money, at a time when extreme sensitivity surrounds MPs’ expenses, was involved and he was the Treasury No 2. The tragedy for him and for all of us is the ending suddenly of a career in government more widely acclaimed […]

May 29, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Oh No! Not Again! First, this Blog will not comment on the particulars of his revelation, other than to say at a personal level David Laws is a gifted and sensitive man whose life has taken a nightmare turn and we extend personal sympathy at a very testing hour. Second this Blog will comment on the […]

May 28, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Downing St. and the BBC The No 10 Press Office made fools of themselves yesterday over refusing to field a Cabinet Minister because Alistair Campbell was on the panel. In the event The BBC went directly to John Redwood. Good choice. He was more than a match. Meanwhile it is a useful settling in experience for […]

May 27, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Government Debt Crisis. This is where the results of the flawed economic model upon which the entire Western economic structure stands now have to be dealt with. It is the second and inevitable phase of the Global Financial Crisis. Whether it moves to a third phase depends on how well the West deals with phase […]

May 26, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Storm Clouds This Blog and my book are adamant in saying continuously that we cannot come out of the recession following the financial crisis with the same model that took us in. This is becoming ever clearer. It is also becoming clear that the worst may be far from over and that the apparent recovery […]

May 25, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Justice For Children The country is rightly appalled at the ordeal of all three children in the peculiar case at the Old Baily. It is entirely preposterous and uncivilised to try children for adult crimes. As for rape? One wonders if they are even physically equipped for such a thing. They cannot possibly understand what […]