Category: Malcolm Blair Robinson

April 28, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Eight Days to Go I have looked at the latest polls. The best for the Conservatives usually pop up in the Murdoch press. Today’s Times works out at Con 292 Lab 246 LD 83. The worst, ComRes, works out at Lab 285 Con 244 LD 92. Another, YouGov, is almost the same, Lab 286 Con […]

April 27, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Change This post is a wide ranging view of the meaning of change, looking not just here but also in the U.S. Cameron is busy campaigning that if you want real change, go with the Tories, yet not only has this not worked, but the notion has been snatched by the Lib Dems and become […]

April 26, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Education One of the greatest mysteries of the Tory campaign (the weakness of which is itself a mystery) is the element of the education policy proposing parents and charities set up their own schools with public money. This is a deeply flawed concept now causing controversy even among the Tories themselves. We already have Academies, […]

April 24, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Recovery The UK economy has continued to grow in the first quarter, but by a tiddly amount, confirming the dampened state of economic activity and the remaining threat of another dip. There are encouraging signs of a revival of British manufacturing and the G20 Finance Ministers meeting in Washington think that worldwide recovery is moving […]

April 24, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Good Tory Move I support the Cameron proposal to require an incoming leader of a governing party who becomes Prime Minister to go to the country within six months. I put this forward in my book, especially as today all the parties give their membership outside parliament (in Labour’s case the trade unions as well) […]

April 23, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Two Down, One to Go The general view is that the second debate between the party leaders was more closely matched. Brown did better and so did Cameron. They both went for Clegg but he held on. Polls show them very even,  but with most giving Clegg the narrow lead and Brown in the rear […]

April 22, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Counting the Cost Already there are recriminations over the blanket nature and length of the flight ban over the UK and EU. Part of the trouble is the rule requiring airlines to pay hotel and other costs of stranded passengers. This regulation was established to deal with the practice of over booking. It was never […]

April 22, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Things Turn Nasty It is not just the political establishment which has been turned on its collective head by the dramatic emergence of the Lib Dems as  real contenders  in the election. So strong is the surge thus far that if it advances further the Lib Dems will become the front runners. If not they […]

April 21, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Financial Education I have just learned that a casualty of the so called wash up process in the last days of the now dissolved Parliament was the provision to provide financial education to children. One would find it difficult to identify a more pressing educational need in a country, the public finances of which are at […]

April 21, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Flying Again Now the planes are once again in the air, questions are being asked about whether they should have been grounded in the first place. I am not qualified to comment on the science. I do know that there was little experince of this type of ash cloud, but there was some. In the […]