Category: Malcolm Blair Robinson

March 17, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Unite Maybe Unite is contributing vital cash and ground support for Labour, especially as a counter to Ashcroft  in the marginals, but they are hazarding their investment with the unnecessary strike at B.A. The public are very well aware that these old style cabin crews are far better paid than the rest of the industry. […]

March 16, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Three Cheers For Obama There are reports that the Obama administration is getting very tough with Israel over Settlements. This is high time. Resolving the issues in the Middle East is the biggest priority in the world today, because from it flows benefits to all the other tensions, Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan, not to mention homeland security. […]

March 16, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

High Water Mark for Labour? This blog has remarked several times that Labour may have reached its high water mark. Polls are now beginning to point to this. One or two are showing the gap with the Tories growing just wide enough for the latter to win outright, all things being equal. This will be very welcome […]

March 15, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Criminal Children Dr Maggie Atkinson, the Children’s Commissioner for England raised an important point recently when she commented on on the age of criminal responsibility. Here it is the lowest in Europe. She linked her remarks to the Bulger case, still so emotive that the Government immediately had to distance itself from her remarks and an incenced […]

March 14, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Hung Parliament This is the media buzz now, with the polls pointing to a much closer finish than at the beginning of the year. This is a good moment to examine why the new parliament may lack a party with an overall majority and what it would mean. Labour has won the first part of […]

March 13, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The British National Party The BNP has gained significant media attention because the Court has for the second time judged its Constitution unlawful. At the same time an on line poll has shown the gap between the two main parties very much wider in the Conservatives’ favour than the general trend of other polls. It […]

March 12, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Election Latest We can take it as read that in the Labour camp there is some satisfaction with the way things are going and rising morale at the realisation that contrary to almost every rational thought a few months back, they are in with a chance and have taken the initiative in the campaign. Because of […]

March 11, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

High Speed Rail Today’s announcement of the proposal to build a high speed link, up to 250mph it seems, between London and Birmingham as the first leg of an expanding network is one of the best transport announcements since WWII. All parties are in favour. There is some jockeying for position and the Tories, with an […]

March 11, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Education The Tories have announced a policy of changing the leadership of 75 failing schools within 100 days of taking office. It is a good move and could play well with voters. Unfortunately Labour has a similar plan but according to Ed Balls even bolder. It is also true that Labour have introduced the  radical […]

March 11, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Afghanistan David Milliband, the Foreign Secretary has just made a speech in the U.S which was peppered with anxieties and caveats about political progress in this troubled country in which we have no business to be. However since we are there and our brave troops are dying almost daily, we need to know that all these clever strategems […]