Category: Malcolm Blair Robinson

March 10, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Labour’s Chances So far Labour are running the better campaign. They are gaining ground while the Conservatives lose it. Brown has seized the initiative from Cameron. His ratings are going up. Cameron’s are going down. One muddle after another for David and too many of his own making; Ashcroft, the UUP and so forth. Brown meanwhile […]

March 10, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Israeli Settlements U.S. Vice President Joe Biden has been forthright in his condemnation, first yesterday and again today, of the Israeli announcement that permission has been given for a whole lot more illegal homes to be built in East Jerusalem. This is very welcome. For far too  long America has stood coyly to one side during […]

March 10, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Transfer of Powers Well its done and what a blessing. As predicted the Ulster Unionists, these dodgy partners of the Conservative Party, voted against on the basis of an argument which was the usual self fulfilling Unionist obstructionism which has bedevilled the history of Ireland for generations. The Conservative Party now looks foolish. It supported […]

March 10, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The Generals The latest inquest into the deaths of four brave soldiers, including the first woman, has revealed weaknesses in training and poor equipment as well as a lack of technique in using what there was. This is not the fault of Ministers. Neither is it a shortage of money since we now know that […]

March 10, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Patient Records It is reported that doctors are asking for the setting up of the much needed database of patient records which can then be accessed from any hospital anywhere to be slowed down because patients do not understand it. I disagree. The complete inadequacy of the transfer of key information between doctors and hospitals […]

March 9, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Trade Deficit This turned out to be bigger in January than anyone expected and the biggest for seventeen months. It may be the weather, but if not it is very bad news indeed. If there is no improvement in the next month for which figures will become due, it underscores the futility of trying to […]

March 8, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

U.S Congress and Cameron The all party Congressional leaders of the Irish American community have, it is reported, written to David Cameron expressing their hope that he will exercise all possible influence over his new dodgy friends in the Ulster Unionist Party to ensure that they vote for the transfer of police powers at Stormont tomorrow. […]

March 8, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Opinion Polls Looking at these over the weekend and studying independent analysis of them, suggests that the big issues of last week, Ashcroft, Brown at Chilcot etc., have had little effect on voting intentions. The Conservatives remain ahead by as little as 2% to as much as 8% depending on the poll, Labour is holding its […]

March 7, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Iraq Elections It really is a dreadful thing that over thirty people have been killed in attacks on polling day, but it is also a wonderful thing that undeterred by the risk many millions of Iraqis have braved the violence to cast their votes. It is not right to celebrate this as some kind of […]

March 6, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The Ulster Unionists I see these annoying people are trying to hold up the transfer of policing powers to Northern Ireland and Martin McGuinness has expressed irritation. No small wonder. Even the DUP  is signed up to it. Apparently Sir Reg Empey is trying to use the issue as a bargaining chip to get the […]