Category: Malcolm Blair Robinson

February 22, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Gordon Brown This blog affirms once more its independence of political parties, whilst commenting in robust terms on political issues. The latest excitement revolves round allegations in a new book that Gordon is a bully, to which is added the mysterious claim from an anti-bullying charity which is itself not without controversy and  apparently endorsed […]

February 19, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The Deficit There is a rather entertaining exchange of letters in the papers with scores of economists taking opposing views as to whether to cut the deficit this year with immediate action (or at least halt its rise) or to go on borrowing. Ordinary people find this a bit unnerving  as they suppose economists know […]

February 18, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

China and the U.S. Twenty nine years ago, having moved to a new office in Regent Street (London W.1), I wanted to hang up some pictures and found we had no hammer. I asked a colleague who was on his way out to buy a sandwich to pop into the ironmongers (we were just on the […]

February 16, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The Banks There is hardly a current affairs programme these days with a financial section which does not feature some discussion over banking profits and bonuses. There is a point which is central to the discussion but which there is often not time in these sandwiched interviews to develop. It is this. Nobody minds people […]

February 16, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Workers Co-operatives The Tories have just unveiled a weird plan to turn welfare services and schools into workers co-operatives. Labour has plans not wholly dissimilar. This blog will not comment on the efficacy of these proposals until more is known. It does hasten to remind its readers of the complete fiasco of the NHS internal […]

February 15, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Civilian Casualties The deaths of twelve civilians on the second day of the NATO offensive is tragic news. Built into the profuse aplogies and regrets from the military top brass is the caveat that accidents happen in war. This is the nub. Indeed they do. Which is why war cannot any longer reasonably be used as […]

February 14, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Afghanistan and America The new offensive in the south is going well for NATO so far. In military terms it may well work but it cannot succeed in the long term as a civil solution. There is not a single instance in modern history when an outside power, backing one side in civil war, has […]

February 13, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Working Hours The New Economics Foundation, an out of the box Think Tank, has just issued a report to say the quality of life, especially for children, would be hugely improved if people worked earned and spent less and had more time for family, children, civic contributions and leisure. This is bold and worthwhile thinking. […]

February 13, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Baroness Tonge The Lib Dem Health spokeswoman in the House of Lords, Baroness Tonge, has been sacked by Nick Clegg for suggesting that  the Israeli Army has been accused of trafficking in organs from bodies in Haiti and that the Israeli authorities should investigate to refute the allegations. Whether the allegation is true or not I have […]

February 13, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Archbishop Nichols The new Archbishop of Westminster, Vincent Nichols, has spoken out courageously and wisely about the culture behind treatment paths in various parts of the NHS. He is so right. I have direct experience to confirm and reinforce every word he says. It is so refreshing to hear wise words about every day experience […]