Category: Malcolm Blair Robinson

February 12, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Euro Zone The Euro has been much more successful than many supposed and it has, in a relatively benign economic period established itself as a credible currency. Now, however times have changed. There are serious problems looming. These are not just economic. If they were solutions to Greece and shortly Spain, Portugal and maybe Italy would […]

February 11, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Care for the Elderly Gordon Brown has made a horlicks of this potential vote winner. Labour have been doing better than people expected but there is little room for mistakes. Cameron was able to score points at PMQs yesterday, but once again the Tories messed it by issuing a silly poster claiming that an option […]

February 10, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Constitutional Reform I happen to think this is the fundamental issue on the political agenda, although in economic uncertainty this issue does not rank high in voters concerns. Labour’s record on Constitutional issues is quite good. It has given us devolution and City Mayors. Of course it has overdone big government and is wedded to the […]

February 9, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Euro Problems I remember when the Euro came into being an American economist was reported as saying that you could not have a currency without a government. I thought about this and as time went on came to the conclusion that this may not be so. Well now I am sure he was right after […]

February 8, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

  Cameron Today he was having a go at Brown for being soft on expenses or doing u-turns or something. There really is no mileage in this. Voters regard all parties equally to blame and equally guilty. The voters will not buy into an idea that the Tories are better than Labour on expenses, although […]

February 7, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Emotion Alastair Campbell was overcome and had to take a moment on the Andrew Marr show, when pressed on whether his boss Tony Blair, for whom he was chief scriptwriter, mislead Parliament over weapons of mass destruction. It was all getting too  much apparently, with people ‘settling old scores’. Yes well… The nation is angry […]

February 7, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Storm Cloud So the markets have woken up the the huge indebtedness of certain Euro countries, with crisis torn Greece to the fore, but Ireland, Portugal and Spain moving into the frame. At the moment we escape because we have the pound which has been heavily devalued to help us along, a false dawn because eventually […]

February 7, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Education The Tory high command has to get a grip. Just weeks ago it was considered a certainty that David Cameron would lead his party to victory in the spring. He was treated virtually as a Prime Minister in Waiting. But all that has changed. There have been blunders and muddles and even Tories I […]

February 6, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Tea Party This is a very interesting new protest movement. It tends to underline some deep changes which have occurred within the soul of the United States. The War of Independence against Great Britain was fought because the colonists disliked being ruled from afar and being made to pay taxes which thay considered had little […]

February 5, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Those Expenses We know there are some M.Ps who are now charged with crimes. We know half the rest have to pay back money, some quite a lot of money. Some of these are busy telling the media that they stuck to the rules as they were interpreted at the time and it is unfair to […]