Category: Malcolm Blair Robinson

February 4, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Defence Review Always when money is tight, there are politicians who call for big ticket items like Trident or new ships like the aircraft carriers to be scrapped. They need to be careful. First cancelling the two new aircraft carriers now would cost more than completing them and would put thousands on the dole. More […]

February 4, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Quantitative Easing Printing money, which is what QA is, although now it is done with electronic money,  is a risky process which can lead to chronic currency devaluation. So far people feel it has worked. There are signs to watch, however. Inflation has jumped up dramatically and may have to be brought under control with a […]

February 3, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Defence A Discussion Paper has been produced by the Government as part of the preparation for the Defence Review which will begin after the election of a new government. One thing ought to be very clear. This country should by now have fully grown out of its Imperial past and must recognise that we can […]

February 3, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Energy Supplies So now, in the face of the usual denials by the other Milliband, it is official. Our energy market does not work properly and supplies will soon be at risk and also very expensive. This was a privatisation too far. At the very least the ‘market’ needs to be closed down. A single […]

February 2, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Electoral Reform Gordon Brown has come up with a Bill for Electoral Reform. It had been speculated for some time that this was on the cards. There is no doubt that changes to the way we vote for a new Parliament have to be brought about. The present system dates from when there were only […]

February 2, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Iraq Inquiry I know lawyers grumble daily at their exclusion from this tribunal and lament the many millions in fees from which their greedy fingers are excluded, but it really is doing a stirling  job. David Cameron, when asked for an opinion on events so far, deferred and said he would rather wait for the […]

February 2, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

After Hours Visits There really is no excuse for the continuing problem of getting a doctor to visit after hours. Before the Government began to cave in to unreasonable demands from medical negotiators, family doctors provided twent four hour care. That was the natureof the job. That is the point. Being a family doctor is more […]

February 1, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Tory Wobble Something is not right at the centre of the Tory  Party. The retreat over cuts is alarming, not in itself, but because it signals another policy lurch. Coming on top of the business of the tax allowances for married couples (as opposed to cohabiting couples), this looks as if the high command is […]

February 1, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Higher Education Cuts Today there are warnings that the proposed cuts to higher education funding will mean fewer university places over the next three years. This is a very good example of what this Blog means when referring to the bankers sucking resources from the base of the economy to act as capital for their […]

January 31, 2010 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Tennis Well, there we go. We shall have to wait a little longer. The difference is that for most of my life we have never had anybody seriously in contention. Now we have. Keep at it Murray!