Category: Malcolm Blair Robinson

December 30, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Manufacturing There are signs that firms are repatriating manufacturing to the U.K because greater efficiency, improved quality, lower transport costs and greater reliability of delivery make this country once again a competitive manufacturing base. This is a profoundly good piece of news for the potential quality of economic recovery and of huge strategic importance to […]

December 29, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Execution Death in any form brings sadness to family or friends however it occurs. Accident, enemy action and execution are among the sudden brutal endings of life which give rise to especially high emotions of those left to grieve. I did not follow the case of the unfortunate man executed by China today, so I […]

December 27, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The Delta Flight. Phew! That was close. Outstanding responses by passengers and aircrew were remarkable. A miracle malfunction of the suicide bomb underlined the proximity to disaster that stalks every airplane. What is good is the level of effort that goes into counter terrorist activities by all the security authorities world wide. Focused as we […]

December 26, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Railways One of my Christmas presents this year is a series of three maps, all covering the same area, but based on Ordance Surveys of the early and late nineteenth century and the nineteen twenties. It is immensly interesting to study these maps of a rural area in southern England and compare one period with another. […]

December 24, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Saving I read yesterday that the U.K has become a country of net savers, by the biggest margin in history. In fact most of this is going to debt reduction, but it is nevertheless the best news for the future of our economy that we have had this year. It represents real structural change of […]

December 24, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

U.S Healthcare The Senate vote makes this dream of proper universal healthcare in the U.S very nearly real. It will transform the lives of millions. There are yet hurdles to overcome, deals to be done and compromise with the House Bill, before the President can sign it into law. Yet now it is much more certain […]

December 23, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Snow So everywhere is chaos. Why? Because nowadays everything works to due process and best practice and for snow, because we do not get a lot of it in the south, there is no plan. But I have lived in the south all my life. We used to have snow and coped well enough. We […]

December 17, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Copenhagen I sometimes feel that we have given to much emphasis to the man made element of climate change, giving the impression that maybe it might not happen if we change our lifestyle. I think negotiations would have been easier if it had been accepted from the very beginning that climate does change, of which […]

December 16, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The BA Strike As regular readers of this blog will know my views are often leaning left. I am a great supporter of trade unions and believe everyone should be a member. I was myself for a number of years a member of the white collar section of the Transport and General Workers, now enveloped […]

December 16, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The Chilcot Enquiry I like the way this inquiry into the Iraq war is going. I know there are some commentators and a good many disappointed lawyers who feel counsel should be employed so that witnesses can be put under pressure in cross examination to reveal a deeper truth. I think it is precisely because […]