Category: Malcolm Blair Robinson

December 14, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Tony Blair Of all the important things going on at the moment, and there are a good many competing for the prime spot, none is more important, far reaching or deeper than the ‘see into my heart’ interview given by the former Prime Minister. It is fundamental because it tells us that with this man at the […]

December 11, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

That Deficit There seems to be a general agreement that Darling did not come clean on how he was going to cut and where, in order to bring down the deficit after the election. Maybe he knows he won’t have to worry because he expects Labour to lose. The fact is that we not only have a corrupt […]

December 8, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Iraq Bomb Blasts This is a dreadful reminder that the story of this tragedy is far from over and that great instability remains in  this fractured state.  It proves once more, if proof were needed, that the concept of liberation by invasion from a foreign power is wholly flawed. Under Saddam Hussein things were not […]

December 7, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Bank Bonuses This is getting somewhat steamed up. Populist clamour versus professional outrage. Beneath it all there is something serious. It may be the most serious issue of our time. Huge taxpayer resources have been used to save the banks and bankers from ruin. This means that funds paid by the poorest in taxes have […]

December 4, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Climate Change There is now an issue of emails. Climate change is not about emails. It is about saving lives. Maybe millions. Maybe billions. Maybe all of it. We know for sure the climate is changing and has done so constantly throughout the history of the earth. We do not know for sure, but there […]

December 3, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Bank Bonuses The Government must get a grip. These bonuses are preposterous. Earning a million a year out of taxpayers funds is unacceptable. These banks and bankers would be bust, but for our money. They threaten to go abroad. Let them go. The greatest mistake we make at the moment is the fiction that this […]

December 3, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Condolence Letter I do have more than every sympathy with those brave families who have lost their loved ones fighting in Afghanistan. I think it is remakable that the Prime Minister sends each a personal letter. I do not think it remarkable  that now and again something goes wrong. When it does I find the complaints, […]

December 2, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Phew! What a relief to hear that those plucky young men and their boat have been set free. Their families will feel the lifting of that dreadful pall of fear and worry. This is good news too for signals coming out of Iran. Much mischief could have been made of this, but the authorities were […]

December 2, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

More Troops Obama was right to take his time. Unfortunately whatever he decided will risk being wrong. Once you embark upon an ill-planned, flawed war, that fails in its primary objective (getting Bin Laden), whatever you do will have a large measure of failure thereafter. The bitter element is that it costs lives of innocent […]

November 30, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Cumbria There  have been times in the last few years when I have wondered whether this country still had the community spirit and infrastructure skills which got us through the war. I mean WWII. Panic buying in supermarkets during the fuel blockade did not bode well. Cumbria has proved there is nothing to fear. The spirit […]