Category: Malcolm Blair Robinson

November 30, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Dubai When Bear Stearns went down early in 2008, most people thought it was just a straightforward bank failure brought about by careless management. A few, very few, saw it a  straw in the wind, later to blow through the world financial system with hurricane force. Now we have Dubai, the first country, albeit tiny, in […]

November 29, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The NHS More alarming news about the quality of care in the NHS. Trusts given the accolade of good and then found deficient. Today we learn that some 5000 people who go into hospital with routine non- threatening conditions die. This is preposterous. Let me repeat 5000 people, yes three noughts, 5000, are dying in […]

November 29, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Iraq War Inquiry Sir John Chillcot and his team are making a very good start. Complaints have been made by the legal profession that there are no barristers allowed in this inquiry and the usual adversarial ding dong so much and wrongly admired as a route to truth, is missing. It is precisely because the […]

November 24, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Ofsted I hate quangos and regulators, but realistically I know that in some places they are a necessity. One of those is schools. In my book I mention something about the Ofsted inspection process being too docketed and process driven, with a stock of phrases used for analysis which make very ineffective use of a language […]

November 21, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Northern Ireland I have never had much sympathy for the Unionists in Northern Ireland. This does not mean I am sympathetic to terrorisits because I am not. But I do look at the map and in the small island of Ireland I see only one country. When  Rev.Dr. Ian Paisley got together with Martin McGuinness there seemed […]

November 20, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Europe Well its over. No President Blair. The dinner came and went in short order. Choices were made swiftly. Everyone went home smiling. Except for the Big Europe Federalists, upset that this unknown duo would cut no dash upon the world stage. Yes there are those who smirk. Herman Van what? Baroness who? But as […]

November 19, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

State Opening – The Aftermath This should never have happened. It has further diminished the authority of Parliament. It has tainted the Crown with a process which is clearly tacky. There is one piece of legislation which would have been universally well received, or several pieces as some say are needed, to ensure that this […]

November 19, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Dignity and Courage It is impossible not to be moved and inspired by the dignity, courage and candour of Christina Schmid as she exhibits star quality in grief at the loss of her hero husband in Afghanistan. Like all the families caught in the sudden shattering of their lives, not just now, but through all […]

November 18, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Europe In one of those peculiar alleys at the end of which European democracy works over dinner, one is to be held tomorrow at which a Name is expected to emerge. The path will then be open for the Name to be ratified as the first EU President. For the motorcade factor the choice would be […]

November 18, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The Queen’s Speech This was one of the worst for years. I am strictly non partisan, I have not yet decided how to vote, but I am beginning to despair of New Labour. Their achievements are more limited than they would proclaim, but they are enduring. Peace in Northern Ireland, devolution for Scotland and Wales, […]