Category: Malcolm Blair Robinson

November 17, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

China and the U.S Obama has a tricky hand to play. He must show his domestic audience that he is tough on human rights whilst depending on loans from China to stop America going bust.Some years back, approaching thirty, I wrote that China was the power of the future. People smirked, knowing they had read the […]

November 17, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Brown’s Plans for Exit Maybe a conference is a good idea. Unfortunately conferences have a bad record for solving problems, but in the end, short of conquest, people have to talk to get a solution. Afghanistan, with its epic history and its unique poppy based economy requires all who meddle there to recognise one simple fact […]

November 16, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

State Opening Very good to see The Independent and Nick Clegg now oppose this too. They are coming at it from a different angle but with the same conclusion. In the present circumstances this extravagant ceremony is a national embarrassment. Little of the legislation announced will have time to get through before the election. The […]

November 15, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Those Expenses John Bercow gave a convincing performance on the Andrew Marr Show this morning. He promises there will be no backsliding on Kelly. He has also assured the Editor of the Telegraph that he did not spend all that money on his new Palace of Westminster apartment. Whether the paper will be convinced remains […]

November 14, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Mr & Mrs Speaker I really find this hard to believe but it is apparently true. Up to £45000 of taxpayers’ money is to be spent,  much of it at Sally Bercow’s request , on tarting up the Speaker’s flat to make it homely for this curious couple and their children.  It is difficult to believe that this reforming […]

November 14, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Iraq Disturbing news has come to light of possible further significant abuse of Iraqis by British forces. This is very worrying. A proper enquiry is needed. We take huge pride as a nation in the heroism and honour of our armed forces. We need an enquiry to resolve all this. There are allegations of systemic problems […]

November 13, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The Palestinians Mahmoud Abbas has announced that he will not stand again to lead the Palestinian Authority as he is utterly fed up with the lack of any concessions from Israel and its unwillingness to halt its settlement policy, condemned even by president Obama.The future of the Palestinian Authority is uncertain. Hamas, having won the […]

November 13, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

 More on Afghanistan We hear a lot about training up the Afghan army to take over ‘security’ and then we can all go home. The ineptitude of the policy staggers. First the ‘democratic’ government in Kabul is utterly rotten, its institutions an arm of the unlawful state within the state. Second the so called Afghan […]

November 13, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Glasgow North East Labour will be relieved. Their victory was expected, but we have become used to upsets. There wasn’t one and the Government will take comfort from that. Gordon Brown’s position is strengthened. The Conservatives, who hardly count in Scotland did badly, but the Lib Dems, who do, did a lot worse. The Nationalists did […]

November 12, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Bonuses at the MOD I think the authorities who run things need to learn a simple truth. Times have changed. In Thatcher’s day a bonus was a good and clever thing which said everyone should be open to reward for extra effort. Now we have been busted by the bankers and deceived by our  MPs. […]