Category: Malcolm Blair Robinson

October 28, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Expenses and Constitution. This gets a complete Part in my book 2010 A Blueprint for Change. The reforms I propose would, if in effect, have made the MPs Expenses scandal impossible and, should they hit on some other scam to deceive us, would give the Crown not only the power (which it now has but has […]

October 26, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Israel and Iran John Bolton, the Republican ultra neo-con in the U.S., who must be one of the most alarming politicians in the world today, is reported to be advocating an Israeli first strike nuclear attack on Iran if negotiations with the latter fail. This must be one of the most preposterous public declarations since […]

October 26, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Immigration Of all the issues this is the most sensitive and raises the rawest passions. Racial prejudice hovers menacingly at the edge of every argument. The subject gets high ratings in the league of things people worry about. I accept there must be some orderly and fair quota of new immigrants because we are a small […]

October 24, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Complaint Nick Griffin is to complain about the way the format of Question Time was altered and a hostile audience assembled to subject him to an onslaught of anger, criticism and derision. The difficulty is that the doctrine of the BNP is pretty repugnant to many, indeed most, people in this country and therefore some […]

October 24, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Prince Andrew I have read the interview in full. The Prince does a useful job promoting British business successfully and with sincerity. His comment about bonuses was very unwise and showed a lack of sensitivity not only to the plight of ordinary people in his country, but little understanding of the sacrifices they are being […]

October 23, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The Governor It is becoming clear the the Governor of the Bank of England is somewhat under siege from a Government out of its depth and bankers who are cocking a snook to the rest of us and getting back to their dangerous ways. His speech was not only wise and to the point. It […]

October 23, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Question Time Well, it’s happened. We saw Nick Griffin perform. I doubt his party will gain many votes. There were some wonderful contributions from the audience. Any strength the BNP has is a measure solely of the weakness of the mainstream parties and their failure to connect with a new, better informed, more cynical and […]

October 20, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Economy Latest Anger has broken out again as the huge bonuses begin to reappear in the City. The difference is that this time these payouts are dependent on a foundation of taxpayers cash. The argument for this is that the City produces so much tax revenue that we must go to any lengths to preserve […]

October 16, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Foreign Affairs Latest It is good news that we would not vote with the US and Israel in the U.N Human Rights Council. Abstaining is better than nothing but it would have been better to accept the Report on the  Gaza Conflict. The problem for quite a few countries was the convoluted nature of the […]

October 15, 2009 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Health Back in the news today with the latest health watchdog (yet another) saying over 12% of Trusts delivering poor service in key areas. This is not good. If you were told by an airline that over 12% of their planes fell into the ocean, you would fly by someone else. Health should not be an […]