Israel and Iran

John Bolton, the Republican ultra neo-con in the U.S., who must be one of the most alarming politicians in the world today, is reported to be advocating an Israeli first strike nuclear attack on Iran if negotiations with the latter fail.

This must be one of the most preposterous public declarations since the end of the cold war. It is also insane. Were such a thing to happen there are  nuclear nations who might think it right to nuke Israel in retaliation. Even if restraint applied, and one must pray it would, the consequences for the world would be cataclysmic. No nation without nuclear weapons would feel safe  and none who had them would dare disarm.  President Obama’s attempts at nuclear disarmament would be grounded for a generation. Israel would become a shunned state and a wave of anti-semitism would sweep the world. The detonation of a nuclear bomb in the US by terrorists would become a certainty and there would be no shortage of those willing to help with secrets and know how.

Meanwhile the hawks in Iran will be even less willing to negotiate with the rest of us and will accelerate their programme, citing these ravings as just cause to prepare.

That this man gets air time beggars belief.