Lib Dem Manifesto

This is by far the best so far. This does not mean that this blog supports every proposal or has abandoned its neutrality. Nor does it mean this Manifesto it is without flaws. If the Lib Dems get to form a government, no commentator takes this prospect seriously, they would have to put up taxes or cut more than they say. But the message is bold, imaginative and focussed. The jewels are breaking up the banks and reform of the voting system with an elected upper house straight off, backed by a written constitution. More power to local government and to Scotland and Wales all reduce centralisation. A simplified exam system will be welcomed by everyone who sees beyond focus group education.

What a difference to all that empowerment stuff from the Tories with drivel phrases like ‘an invitation to join the Government’ or the rose tinted optimism of Labour trying to look fresh. This is a real attempt to offer choice and purpose. It also has  coherent economic proposals (well done Vince). These may not be enough but they are at least something, after the vague contradictions of the Tories and the put it off for now of Labour. Clegg and his Party deserve to be taken very seriously by a disillusioned electorate. Whether that disillusionment now runs too deep remains to be seen on May 6th.

This will all have done the Lib Dems no harm. It may have done them a whole lot of good.