Is The Government Governing? What About Hungry Children?

August 12, 2018 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Well one can only hope so, yet there is scant evidence of it. Boris hysteria has gripped both the Tory party and the media for over a week now. The Cabinet appears split on what do do, which is hardly surprising, since it is split on everything else. Everybody seems to be investigating someone or something. Yet the serious world is still there and it will not go away. The EU looks on with mounting anxiety as the orderly government, which has been the hallmark of Britain’s contribution to Europe’s wellbeing for three centuries, appears to be dissolving. The implications for Brexit are not good. And, as previously posted by this blog, all the sniping and quarreling at the top is contributing towards an atmosphere of intolerance and discord right through the country.

There are real things needing attention. Infrastructure and service issues like railways, prisons and social care. But human issues about increased demands for more food banks to, and this I never thought to hear in this country, hungry children having to be fed by charities orĀ  volunteers during the holidays because their parents cannot afford to do so. As so often posted here, we are now seeing some very ugly outcomes of an economic model which makes the poor even poorer while the rich become even richer. So, instead of grandstandingĀ  and being generally obnoxious to each other and everyone else, this government must fix these things or be consumed by the white heat of the people’s anger, already beginning to glow.