Latest From The Western Isles

June 12, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Parliament has rejected the Labour led attempt to prevent a No Deal Brexit. Good. Many readers who have read previous posts will recall I rejoiced when the Supreme Court ruled the the government could not proceed with Article 50 without the approval of parliament. Well, I have changed my mind. Parliament cannot govern. It can legislate and approve or reject, but it cannot govern. Its attempt to do so over Brexit has initiated the most chaotic period of argument and confusion in our country’s democratic history. We have become an international embarrassment and this notion that parliament can somehow take control from the executive is a wild and dangerous fantasy.

If Boris or any other prime minister attempts a No Deal Brexit, the remedy is simple. A motion of no confidence to bring down that government. That is how our system works. If parliament lacks the guts or intellect to do that, then a No Deal Brexit it is. If No Deal turns out to be good, Boris, or whoever beats him to the Tory leadership, will be in Downing Street for a decade. If it turns out to be the disaster that I and millions of others believe it will be, the Tory party will be kicked out and denied power for two generations at least.