BP Fund and this Blog.

Regular readers of this Blog know that its purpose is to try and indicate outcomes by getting ahead of the curve of current commentary. It is with pride that we can report that on June 11th in a very extensive post on the stricken oil giant, I suggested that a ring fenced fund, independently administered, of billions of dollars was the best way for BP to get this terrible challenge, which will last years, into some organised form of control. On July 13th it was announced that President Obama favoured the setting up of just such a fund.

This is not a claim that this blog guides White House Policy making. It is a claim that the constant attempt to get to the core of the issue can show more clearly what may happen next.

Whether it is the setting up of the coalition government, Afghanistan, the economy, BP, or the Middle East, events have either reached or are moving towards our position. So far Iran remains subject to a counter productive approach and thus the problem grows. More on that later.