Anger Grows: Is This Good or Bad?

August 11, 2024 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

My holiday from blogging and writing generally is coming to an end.  It seems the right moment. Renewal is the political buzz word now.  A new government has brought a change of mood. Relief at one level, but anger at another. Public morale is lifted by Olympic medals but is dampened by the realisation that our country is torn by riots. Unfortunately history shows us that real change for the better only happens when mounting anger builds against the status quo. But for violence there is no place and it must stop.

Are we truly a multi-racial muti-cultural society? Or are we fragmented into separate groups eyeing each other with suspicion, even hatred? In a country built  on immigration since early man walked  over land that once joined us to continental Europe, why are we so obsessed with it?  We have  a history of absorbing invaders including, Saxons, Romans, Vikings and the Normans. Is it because immigration puts a strain on our public services which then cannot cope? If so why are our treasured institutions like free education and the NHS in such a state that they are struggling? Would they not struggle anyway because for too long they have been underfunded and mismanaged by government tinkering and ideology driven reforms which fail?

The emergence of  community marches against violence is important. It shows that there is a silent majority who will not be coerced by the far right (or left) and for whom the multicultural society is real and worth protecting. The hands on engagement to restore order by the government is a tremendous advance on platitudes hiding behind the right of free speech of recent past. But the disruption to the criminal justice machine which will ensue, following the priority given to the riot cases, only reveals another national institution underfunded and on its knees. Overcrowded prisons and court delays of years are sure signs of a crumbling state.

All we seem to know for sure is that we are in a bad place and there is no quick fix. Trust is at its lowest ebb in my lifetime, not just in politics but in almost everything. So future postings on this blog will explore the roots and origins of our troubles and offer possible solutions. These will aim to help us progress from blame to ambition. We cannot change the past, but we can build a future.

The ideas will be radical, even outlandish, to many. Most of the subjects were covered in my book, published in 2009, 2010 A Blueprint for Change. Copies are still available through the link (cheaper copies can be found second hand) if you want to see where I was right and where I got it wrong.  But hopefully it gives me a licence to have another go, not with another book but a series of blogs to come.

These will set out fundamental reforms which are essential to set our country on its path to renewal. So far our new government has shown it wants to be honest with the people and has the will to take very tough and unpopular decisions to  rebuild the ability of GB to grow. However, it appears engaged in making the system work better. Some changes for sure, but basically the same system.

I believe the system itself is broken and has to be rebuilt. All of it. So watch this space.