Ed Wins

This result is good for Labour. This Blog, once again, anticipated the political tide (post Sept 17). For far too long the Left has been represented by the Centre, gullible, bureaucratic and hijacked by spin. Ordinary people have been without a voice or a champion. Above all they have been without a progressive ideology to challenge the ever more gluttonous thirst for power and wealth from the finance industry, which sucks money from the lowest to the highest.

The coalition government, well founded and with much talent has a plan. It is a good plan. It will not be a good enough plan unless a new challenge emerges from the Left of a credible alternative, which puts social justice and community reconstruction in partnership with sound finance to deliver a more equal and sustainable society. This will raise the game across the political spectrum.

For the troubles we face from these doleful and pointless wars to the financial crash and the cuts to come are founded in government of very poor quality made possible by the fact that for most of the time the quality of opposition was even worse.

Ed Milliband has to change all that. I think he might and I hope he will.