Terrorist Alert
Tariq Ali, when answering a question on last night’s edition of Any Questions, made the very simple point that there is no way the terrorist threat will reduce while we continue to pursue our current foreign policy. He is so right. It is also right to maintain the highest practical level of security precautions compatible with liberty. The terrorists will try and try again and we depend upon the excellence and cooperation of the intelligence services across the world for our safety.
Whilst these services work tirelessly to protect us, they do not make policy. Not only does fighting in Afghanistan de-stabilise Pakistan, but it does nothing to lessen the Al Qaeda potential, which is mobile and can set up more or less anywhere. There will be no let up in recruitment of volunteers, so long as this war continues and there will be no peace until Israel can be persuaded to make a serious compromise to achieve an accord with the Palestinians leading to a viable Palestinian state.
These are simple truths. It is remarkable that politicians and the military find them so hard to grasp.
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