President Obama

January 13, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The President of the United States, in what may be remembered as the greatest speech of his Presidency thus far, spoke to and for all Americans. Cynics and opponents will find fault, but this President has demonstrated, again, that he ranks among the greatest and most poetic orators of his county’s political history. 

It an atmosphere charged with emotion, grief, anger and suffering he sought to comfort, uplift and heal. Barak Obama, the first black President, came to office at a time when the age old split in American political culture between North and South, urban and rural, big and small government, individual and state, was opening up again. The policies he pursued to bring the U.S. back from the financial brink served to exacerbate the rift and fire up the Tea Party. Hatred seeped into the polemic of political debate, righteousness was paraded as a vulgar adornment, not practiced as a gentle humility. Words like those used by the President yesterday can inspire and heal. Whether in this case they do, will depend on whether the United States yearns to be healed and is willing to be, once more, inspired by him.

This Blog wishes all Americans well.