Alan Johnson

January 21, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Leaks and rumours abound. A policeman has been put under investigation. This is clearly a very difficult time for the former shadow chancellor. It also explains his apparent difficulties in that role. There will be some distressing times ahead for him, but he will have a good deal of public sympathy, especially among the grass roots of the Labour party. Unlike the rest of its leaders, who mostly have no experience of life beyond university, party headquarters and parliament, he had a very tough start in life and worked his way up from a postie. Multitudes respect that. This blog certainly does.

We live in a culture where political returns are a novelty, whereas in the past they were the norm. Churchill is the best example of resignations and falls from grace, but he, Baldwin and Wilson are among party leaders who were prime minister more than once and not consecutively. All will hope that Alan Johnson will be back. His best days may be yet to come.