Tony Blair

January 22, 2011 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

What a performance! He will become one of the most discredited politicians of history and for good reason.

It is all very sad. He had such promise and there were such high points, the Good Friday Agreement being perhaps the highest. He then became addicted to war, entirely without any strategic grasp, as an instrument of foreign policy; the means to achieve the end he favoured, driven by a messianic delusion that it, therefore he, was right. This is the the mantra of fundamentalists down through the pages of history. It is just as destructive proclaimed by a Christian as by a Muslim. Both are at variance with the core teaching of their faith.

Now he wants to attack Iran, unless Iran does as we say. Many were the honest people in this country and the world at large, who were outraged at his proclamation yesterday at the Chilcot Inquiry. He shows himself to be not just a knave, but a fool as well. We do not have to recite the untold consequences of such a monstrous plan, nor speculate upon the years, even decades, of upheaval, bloodshed and insecurity which would follow.

If Ed Milliband wants to move on from New Labour to put Labour on a recovery path, he might be wise to cut adrift altogether from Tony Blair. Most of his party already have.