Tony Blair
Of all the important things going on at the moment, and there are a good many competing for the prime spot, none is more important, far reaching or deeper than the ‘see into my heart’ interview given by the former Prime Minister.
It is fundamental because it tells us that with this man at the helm of our country, who at the time I very much admired, what we were told by him was not only clearly wrong about weapons of mass destruction, but if that had been spotted at the time, he would have used some other excuse.
This is not a spat about the level of income tax or asylum rules, it is about invading a sovereign country (albeit rather a frightening one) because we did not approve of its government. It cost the lives not only of our own brave troops but tens, maybe hundreds, of thousands of innocent civilians, women and children included. And for what outcome? Continuing instability, bombings and privations years afterwards in a saga of despair lasting longer than the second world war.
Never in history has a ruler of this country so flagrantly abused the trust placed in him by the people. Never again will the people trust their government, not just on little issues of self interest, but on big issues that really matter. This is a disaster, which must be repaired. I have said before that we need a proper Constitution formalise and control the power of government. This episode underlines the reasons why. Among the many constraints and obligations it would embody would be one to make it unconstitutional to wage aggressive war and invade a foreign country, unless directly threatened. Many civilised democracies have this clause already. Time for us to be counted in.
The notion that home defense starts in the wild mountains at the other end of the earth and thus we have a right to send our military wherever the government of the day(which we cannot from experience trust) decides, is complete, utter and absolute rubbish.
If you really want you can look the other way and not talk about it. Don’t give up your morals for anything. This will lead to a sad and unfulfilling life.
You need to get upset! Really its a must to take a look past everything and get upset. Now this will let you take the next steps to becoming successful.
Depending on yourself to make the decisions can really be upsetting and frustrating. Many of us develop this ability over the course of our life. Its not the sort of thing that simply just happens.
Excellent ideas throughout this post, I just added this to my RSS feed. I’m curious if you have any follow ups to this post?
I just needed to say that I found your site via Goolge and I am glad I did. Keep up the good work and I will make sure to bookmark you for when I have more free time away from the books. Thanks again!
This really is the very best post I understand as of these days.Exactly where did you got every one of the data from? That is very useful and really education. I will remain awhile in right here. Worth reading each wordsf
Have you ever wondered who posts some of this stuff that you come across? The internet never used to be like that, except that recently it seems to have become better. What are your thoughts?
This is tough. I’m not pointing fingers at you though, really I think its everyone else that is responsible.
Great points altogether, I just added this to my RSS feed. What would you suggest in regards to your post that you made a few days ago?
If you really want you can look the other way and not talk about it. The real truth comes with being honest with yourself and your goals. This will lead to a sad and unfulfilling life.
Great points altogether, I just added this to my RSS feed. What would you suggest in regards to your post that you made a few days ago?
Sometimes I question the internet and what is posted? Recently it seems to have become an epidemic, although it seems to be changing for the better. What are your thoughts?
What a great blog. I spend days on the internet reading blogs, about tons of different subjects. I have to first of all give kudos to whoever created your website and second of all to you for writing what i can only describe as an amazing post. I honestly believe there is a skill to writing articles that only a few posses and frankly you have it. The combination of informative and quality content is definitely extremely rare with the large amount of blogs on the internet.
Wow I’m frustrated. I’m not saying you are responsible, personally I think that its those that aren’t motivated to change.
I just needed to say that I found your site via Goolge and I am glad I did. Keep up the good work and I will make sure to bookmark you for when I have more free time away from the books. Thanks again!
This is tough. I’m not saying you are responsible, really I think its everyone else that is responsible.
Just now you can branch out from your daily understanding. Don’t give up your morals for anything. Generally this will lead to a mistaken and unproductive life.
This makes me somewhat upset. I’m not saying you are responsible, personally I think that its those that aren’t motivated to change.
Great points altogether, personally I’m gonna have to bookmark this and come back to it. Do you have any feedback on your most recent post though?
Excellent ideas throughout this post, personally I’m gonna have to bookmark this and come back to it. Do you have any feedback on your most recent post though?
Great points altogether, personally I’m gonna have to bookmark this and come back to it. I’m curious if you have any follow ups to this post?
If you really want you can look the other way and not talk about it. Don’t give up your morals for anything. Generally this will lead to a mistaken and unproductive life.
Have you ever wondered who posts some of this stuff that you come across? The internet never used to be like that, except that recently it seems to have become better. What are your thoughts?
This is a different sort of opinion that many people don’t usually talk about. Usually when I find stuff like this I stumble it. Although this time I’m not sure if this would be best for the users. I will be sure to submit something else though.
Good thorough ideas here.You may want to actually consider things like sausages. What are your thoughts?
Just now you can branch out from your daily understanding. The best thing you can do is become relevant with yourself and faithful with your own morals. This will lead to a sad and unfulfilling life.
If you are like a lot of people you can simply overlook this. Don’t give up your morals for anything. Generally this will lead to a mistaken and unproductive life.
Just now you can branch out from your daily understanding. The real truth comes with being honest with yourself and your goals. Generally this will lead to a mistaken and unproductive life.
Great points altogether, personally I’m gonna have to bookmark this and come back to it. I’m curious if you have any follow ups to this post?
It’s pretty interesting that the mainstream media has changed the way it looks at this recently dont you think? What once seemed like a never discussed issue has become more prevelant. Overall though I’m looking for a change.
Have you ever wondered who posts some of this stuff that you come across? The internet never used to be like that, although it seems to be changing for the better. What are your thoughts?
Just thought I would comment and say great theme, did you design it for yourself? Looks awesome!
This makes me somewhat upset. I’m not saying you are responsible, really I think its everyone else that is responsible.
It’s pretty interesting that the mainstream media has changed the way it looks at this recently dont you think? Now it seems that it is discussed thoroughly and more in depth. It’s that time to chagnge our stance on this though.
Great stuff.You may want to actually consider things like graphic bomb. What are your thoughts?
Recently, I did not give plenty of consideration to making feedback on blog page articles and have placed feedback even much less. Reading through via your nice post, will assist me to do so sometimes.
Im depressed…
Completely I share your opinion. In it something is also I think, what is it good idea.
Have a nice day