More Haiti
The world has watched with increasing dismay as desparate Haitian people beg for food and water from correspondents who move freely in their midst, transmitting pictures to every living room on the planet, patience has turned to despair then anger. Today the papers are coming out with words like shambles and chaos.
When this news broke I listened to our own Minister for Overseas Development, Douglas Alexander, being interviewed, when he talked about co-ordinating responses and working with the U.N, the E.U and the U.S. He repeatedly emphasised co-ordination was the key. I had a sinking feeling that this was not going to work. Because like the rest of the world I had seen the pictures on TV from the news media, heard the pleas, seen the devastation and utterly appalling conditions in hospitals with no doctors, few nurses and even less medicine. I had seen too people digging at great slabs of concrete with bare hands and makeshift tools to reach the trapped survivors for whom the clock of life was ticking ever more faintly.
There was no government, no electricity, no water, no roads, no port, no food, no communications, no transport. Just a mass of traumatised, struggling, shattered humanity. In time, yes, the big set piece response with millions of tons of everything flowing night and day would be needed. But at the beginning small units working independently, travelling on foot, communicating by whistle, some with rescue capability, some with medical and first aid skills, some with water and survival rations needed to be got in fast. Central co-ordination comes later. Immediately, self contained teams working forward and linking up, independent of centralised communications, should have had priority.
We need to learn this lesson. The tsunami was a coastal disaster leaving the interior of the affected countries and their governments untouched. Haiti is quite different . Here every element of modern life is broken or destroyed, even government. We need to learn this lesson, because if ever a terrorist group get their hands on even a small nuclear bomb, and God forbid they do, the centre of New York or Washington or Tel Aviv or Mumbai or Whitehall could be exactly the same.
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This is a good subject to talk about. Generally when I come across these sort of things I like to post them on Digg. I don’t think this would be the best to submit though. I’ll look around and find another article that may work.
It’s pretty interesting that the mainstream media has changed the way it looks at this recently dont you think? Now it seems that it is discussed thoroughly and more in depth. It’s that time to chagnge our stance on this though.
Great points altogether, I just added this to my RSS feed. Do you have any feedback on your most recent post though?
Depending on yourself to make the decisions can really be upsetting and frustrating. It takes years to build confidence. Its not the sort of thing that simply just happens.
Interesting point of view. What are your thoughts on expansion on a global scale? People obviously get frustrated when it begins to affect them locally. I’ll check back to see what you have to say.
Very good suggestions, personally I’m gonna have to bookmark this and come back to it. What would you suggest in regards to your post that you made a few days ago?
Get upset! Really its a must to take a look past everything and get upset. Generally this will allow you to take the inititive to make things happen.
Sometimes I question the internet and what is posted? The internet never used to be like that, although it seems to be changing for the better. What do you think?
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Have you ever wondered who posts some of this stuff that you come across? The internet never used to be like that, except that recently it seems to have become better. What are your thoughts?
You need to get upset! Get motivated and get pissed off. Now this will let you take the next steps to becoming successful.
Funny, I had been discussing this point with my older sister the other day, now I’ll have a single additional argument in my hand when it’ll appear to confrontation as soon as yet again…
Good thorough ideas here.You may want to actually consider things like sausages. What are your thoughts?
Excellent ideas throughout this post, I just added this to my RSS feed. I’m curious if you have any follow ups to this post?
Personally I’m impressed by the quality of this. Generally when I come across these sort of things I like to post them on Digg. I don’t think this would be the best to submit though. I’ll look around and find another article that may work.
It’s pretty interesting that the mainstream media has changed the way it looks at this recently dont you think? Now it seems that it is discussed thoroughly and more in depth. Overall though I’m looking for a change.
This is a good subject to talk about. Usually when I find stuff like this I stumble it. This article probably won’t do well with that crowd. I’ll take a look around your site though and submit something else.
Sometimes I question the internet and what is posted? Honestly the internet used to be like a different place, except that recently it seems to have become better. What are your thoughts?
Great points altogether, you just gained a brand new reader. What would you suggest in regards to your post that you made a few days ago?
You need to get upset! Really its a must to take a look past everything and get upset. Generally this will allow you to take the inititive to make things happen.
Great points altogether, you just gained a brand new reader. What would you suggest in regards to your post that you made a few days ago?
This is a good subject to talk about. Sometimes I fav stuff like this on Redit. I don’t think this would be the best to submit though. I’ll take a look around your site though and submit something else.
That’s a very good feedback. Wondering what you think of it’s implication on society as a whole though? There are times when things like this begin to have global expansion and frustration. I will be back soon and follow up with a response.
Trusting to make the right decisions can be tough. It can take many people a long time to build a strong moral system. Frankly it takes more than just happening to happen.
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Trusting to make the right decisions can be tough. Many of us develop this ability over the course of our life. Frankly it takes more than just happening to happen.
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Interesting approach towards this. Wondering what you think of it’s implication on society as a whole though? There are times when things like this begin to have global expansion and frustration. I’ll check back to see what you have to say.
Have you noticed the news has changed its approach recently? What used to neve be brought up or discussed has changed. Frankly it is about time we see a change.
Have you noticed the news has changed its approach recently? What once seemed like a never discussed issue has become more prevelant. Frankly it is about time we see a change.
Good thorough ideas here.I’d like to suggest taking a look at a lot around the idea of french fries. What are your thoughts?
Excellent ideas throughout this post, you just gained a brand new reader. What would you suggest in regards to your post that you made a few days ago?
This sort of thing needs to happen! Get motivated and get pissed off. Generally this will allow you to take the inititive to make things happen.
Interesting approach towards this. Wondering what you think of it’s implication on society as a whole though? Sometimes people get a little upset with global expansion. I’ll be around soon to check out your response.
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Just now you can branch out from your daily understanding. The best thing you can do is become relevant with yourself and faithful with your own morals. This will lead to a sad and unfulfilling life.
Get upset! Get motivated and get pissed off. Generally this will allow you to take the inititive to make things happen.
If you are like a lot of people you can simply overlook this. The real truth comes with being honest with yourself and your goals. This will lead to a sad and unfulfilling life.
Good thinking. What are your thoughts on expansion on a global scale? There are times when things like this begin to have global expansion and frustration. I will be back soon and follow up with a response.
Sometimes I question the internet and what is posted? Honestly the internet used to be like a different place, although it seems to be changing for the better. What are your thoughts?
Very good suggestions, you just gained a brand new reader. I’m curious if you have any follow ups to this post?
Wow I’m frustrated. I’m not pointing fingers at you though, I think it is everyone else out there that isn’t taking notice.
Just now you can branch out from your daily understanding. Don’t give up your morals for anything. This will lead to a sad and unfulfilling life.
Get upset! Really its a must to take a look past everything and get upset. This will help you stay above the curve.
now in my rss reader)))
Trusting to make the right decisions can be tough. Many of us develop this ability over the course of our life. Frankly it takes more than just happening to happen.
If you are like a lot of people you can simply overlook this. The best thing you can do is become relevant with yourself and faithful with your own morals. Generally this will lead to a mistaken and unproductive life.
Just now you can branch out from your daily understanding. The best thing you can do is become relevant with yourself and faithful with your own morals. This will lead to a sad and unfulfilling life.
This is a good subject to talk about. Sometimes I fav stuff like this on Redit. Although this time I’m not sure if this would be best for the users. I’ll take a look around your site though and submit something else.
Get upset! Really its a must to take a look past everything and get upset. Now this will let you take the next steps to becoming successful.
Good thinking. What are your thoughts on expansion on a global scale? People obviously get frustrated when it begins to affect them locally. I’ll check back to see what you have to say.
Personally I’m impressed by the quality of this. Sometimes I fav stuff like this on Redit. This article probably won’t do well with that crowd. I’ll look around and find another article that may work.
Just now you can branch out from your daily understanding. The best thing you can do is become relevant with yourself and faithful with your own morals. This will lead to a sad and unfulfilling life.
Good thinking. What are your thoughts on expansion on a global scale? People obviously get frustrated when it begins to affect them locally. I’ll check back to see what you have to say.
Great points altogether, personally I’m gonna have to bookmark this and come back to it. I’m curious if you have any follow ups to this post?
Wow I’m frustrated. I’m not pointing fingers at you though, really I think its everyone else that is responsible.
Wow I’m frustrated. I’m not pointing fingers at you though, personally I think that its those that aren’t motivated to change.
Personally I’m impressed by the quality of this. Generally when I come across these sort of things I like to post them on Digg. This article probably won’t do well with that crowd. I’ll look around and find another article that may work.
There is a great share of knowledge on this page. I am in love with your blog so far. I’ve added the feed to my boomarks and will give you a mentioning over at my blog.
Excellent ideas throughout this post, you just gained a brand new reader. What would you suggest in regards to your post that you made a few days ago?
If you really want you can look the other way and not talk about it. The best thing you can do is become relevant with yourself and faithful with your own morals. Generally this will lead to a mistaken and unproductive life.
Interesting point of view. What are your thoughts on expansion on a global scale? Sometimes people get a little upset with global expansion. I’ll be around soon to check out your response.
There is great information in this post. I am in love with your blog so far. I’ve added you to my Google Reader RSS subscriptions and will give you a mentioning over at my blog.
There is a great share of knowledge on this page. I enjoy your writing. I’ve added this blog to my Google Reader RSS subscriptions and will continue reading your work.
Hi, Congratulations to the site owner for this marvelous work you’ve done. It has lots of useful and interesting data
If you really want you can look the other way and not talk about it. The best thing you can do is become relevant with yourself and faithful with your own morals. This will lead to a sad and unfulfilling life.
That’s a very good feedback. Wondering what you think of it’s implication on society as a whole though? There are times when things like this begin to have global expansion and frustration. I’ll be around soon to check out your response.
Wow I’m frustrated. I’m not saying you are responsible, really I think its everyone else that is responsible.
I’m wondering if you have noticed how the media has changed? Now it seems that it is discussed thoroughly and more in depth. It’s that time to chagnge our stance on this though.
Personally I’m impressed by the quality of this. Sometimes I fav stuff like this on Redit. This article probably won’t do well with that crowd. I’ll look around and find another article that may work.
You need to get upset! Get motivated and get pissed off. Generally this will allow you to take the inititive to make things happen.
Personally I’m impressed by the quality of this. Sometimes I fav stuff like this on Redit. I don’t think this would be the best to submit though. I will be sure to submit something else though.
This is a good subject to talk about. Generally when I come across these sort of things I like to post them on Digg. This article probably won’t do well with that crowd. I’ll take a look around your site though and submit something else.
Have you ever wondered who posts some of this stuff that you come across? The internet never used to be like that, although it seems to be changing for the better. What are your thoughts?
Depending on yourself to make the decisions can really be upsetting and frustrating. It can take many people a long time to build a strong moral system. Frankly it takes more than just happening to happen.
Interesting approach towards this. I’m curious to think what type of impact this would have globally? People obviously get frustrated when it begins to affect them locally. I will be back soon and follow up with a response.
Relying on your instanct is tough for most of us. It takes years to build confidence. Frankly it takes more than just happening to happen.
I’m curious if you ever have problems with what people post? Honestly the internet used to be like a different place, except that recently it seems to have become better. What are your thoughts?
Great points altogether, personally I’m gonna have to bookmark this and come back to it. Do you have any feedback on your most recent post though?
Great points altogether, you just gained a brand new reader. I’m curious if you have any follow ups to this post?
Good thorough ideas here.You may want to actually consider such as something like cheeseburger. What exactly are you looking for though?
This is a different sort of opinion that many people don’t usually talk about. Usually when I find stuff like this I stumble it. Although this time I’m not sure if this would be best for the users. I’ll look around and find another article that may work.
It’s pretty interesting that the mainstream media has changed the way it looks at this recently dont you think? Now it seems that it is discussed thoroughly and more in depth. It’s that time to chagnge our stance on this though.
If you really want you can look the other way and not talk about it. Don’t give up your morals for anything. Generally this will lead to a mistaken and unproductive life.
Personally I’m impressed by the quality of this. Generally when I come across these sort of things I like to post them on Digg. This article probably won’t do well with that crowd. I’ll take a look around your site though and submit something else.
Good thinking. What are your thoughts on expansion on a global scale? People obviously get frustrated when it begins to affect them locally. I will be back soon and follow up with a response.
Trusting to make the right decisions can be tough. It takes years to build confidence. It doesn’t really just happen if you know what I mean.
Great points altogether, personally I’m gonna have to bookmark this and come back to it. What would you suggest in regards to your post that you made a few days ago?
It’s pretty interesting that the mainstream media has changed the way it looks at this recently dont you think? What used to neve be brought up or discussed has changed. It’s that time to chagnge our stance on this though.
Good thorough ideas here.You may want to actually consider a lot around the idea of french fries. What exactly are you looking for though?
This is a different sort of opinion that many people don’t usually talk about. Usually when I find stuff like this I stumble it. This article probably won’t do well with that crowd. I will be sure to submit something else though.
Fine info. Thanks so much, I look forward to reading more of your posts.