Weekend Polls
Still not much changing. Labour have slipped a bit here and there. It may be the Budget is not playing well, or it may be the strikes or various combinations. I doubt their new pledges will have any impact at all, but the little cards will be good tools when canvassing and if that becomes more effective it will be help them.
The News of the World has declared for Cameron along with its sister paper the Sun, which went Tory in the Autumn. This makes the Tory inability to break out of the upper thirties percentage of projected votes all the more surprising. The latest average of the polls puts them neck and neck with Labour on seats, with the Lib Dems holding the balance of power, able to provide a clear majority to either party. That balance of power is just where they want to be.
One must imagine the campaign is going to hot up soon. So far for Labour and the Lib Dems things are going according to plan. The oddity is the way out favourites at the start, the Tories, are bogged down. Could it be Ashcroft’s heavy baggage causing them to sink in the mud? Or is it that voters hear what they say but do not know what they mean?
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