Electoral Fraud
President Karzai has announced that the widespread fraud, which is acknowledged to have taken place during the presidential election which returned him to power, was orchestrated by the United Nations, the European Union and other ‘foreigners’.
Why are our troops dying in this man’s country? What are we trying to achieve? How on earth can we expect to achieve it with a man who confidently utters this kind of drivel? When the Taliban say he runs a lousy government, might they have a point?
This President Karzai is due a visit to Washington shortly. There he will meet a real President. Obama needs to give him a very sharp dressing down. Pull himself together or we will all pull out, freeze the foreign assets of the whole of his corrupt government and leave them all to the mercy of the Taliban. Things under his leadership are so bad that the ordinary people may well be better off.
Wow, interesting! Has anyone else come across the same thing compared to this? I am curious where to find more responses on this matter…
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[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by malcolm. malcolm said: : Electoral Fraud President Karzai has announced that the widespread fraud, which is acknowledged to have taken pl… http://bit.ly/9AzLXC […]