Brexit: Harder Than Promised?

February 10, 2021 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

It is not frictionless trade and it is nothing like what it was declared by the government to be. Trade with the EU is free of tariffs providing all manner of conditions are met, especially rules of origin, forms are completed, certificates are in place. Delays are significant. Some trade with Northern Ireland has ground […]

America and Trump: What Now?

February 5, 2021 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

America has a choice before it. Not one half of the nation or the other half. But all of the United States. The choice is this. Either destroy Trump as a credible electoral force. Or Trump will destroy America as a credible modern democracy. The optimum requirement for a democracy to work, which defines it […]

Covid Realism: Stop Obsessing

February 3, 2021 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Covid 19 is here to stay. Not till Easter, the summer or the autumn, but forever. The world cannot again be Covid free any more than it is ‘flu free. It is and will continue to be part of everyday life. And Death. The combination of universal vaccination, wider understanding of the dangers posed by […]

NI Protocol Crisis.

February 3, 2021 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The ramifications of this clumsy blunder rumble on at two levels. One is the difficulty associated with trade between NI and the rest of the UK which is far worse than promised. The other is the reputational damage to the EU itself, as a measured  international player and one on whom, in spite of having […]

EU Blunder: Protocol Disaster

January 30, 2021 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

There is no more ardent supporter of the EU than I am, anywhere. But  it is abundantly clear that the European Commission has completely mismanaged the whole of the EU’s vaccine programme, with excessive bureaucracy, dithering and delay, leading to a failure to order enough of what they needed in timely fashion. Too many eggs […]

Trump: Impeach or Not?

January 27, 2021 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Never before has the United States had so dysfunctional an administration. But that is just a bad record and the incumbent was defeated in a Presidential election and denied a second term by a majority of voters, by a margin of six million. The outgoing President also lost in the Electoral College by a convincing […]

UK Covid Deaths: Big Questions Loom

January 26, 2021 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

It is becoming apparent that the UK is leading most of the world in two specific areas. Vaccine roll out, which is good. And deaths per head of population, which is bad. More than bad it is shocking. The gold standard John Hopkins University stats show that among the leading nations, the UK tops this […]