So Can Biden Heal?

January 21, 2021 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The Inauguration ceremonies of Joe Biden were impressive. Powerful, coordinated, dignified and on message. His speech, the stunning poem, the music and the vocals all spoke of healing and unity in the face of monumental challenge. There was no glossing over the stark fact that America is divided as never in living memory or maybe […]

2021: Wow! What a Beginning!

January 14, 2021 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The United States It has  been the case that while America and the American Dream have been and remain giants in the story of human political and scientific evolution, the notion of the ‘United’ States has always been a flawed ideal. This is because there are two interpretations of what it is. One is that […]

Brexit Anger

December 13, 2020 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Since the Brexit referendum in 2016 we have had to put up with the angry rhetoric of nationalist Brexiteers lying their heads off in their quest for the UK’s  ‘freedom and independence’. They wanted something they, wrongly, asserted they did not have. Every misfortune in their lives was blamed upon the EU, and , much […]

Brexit is Rubbish

December 6, 2020 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

As I write this the drama of Brexit is being milked for the last drop of uncertainty by media and politicians on both sides of the Channel and on both sides of the argument. One thing is not in doubt. The whole Brexit project is a disaster from beginning to end. A self inflicted wound […]

Saving Lives: Two Questions

December 3, 2020 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

When this pandemic emergency recedes and life returns to what will be a new normal, the questions will have to be answered. This will lead to another infamous inquiry led by a judge, which will take so long to gather evidence, write a report, with the conclusions then watered down by those criticised, who receive […]

The Covid Crisis.

December 1, 2020 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Johnson talks about sunlit uplands. No doubt his enthusiastic supporters egg him on. Yet looked at from a more critical point of view, Boris is on the edge of becoming one of the most remembered prime ministers in history, but for entirely the wrong reasons. He led the Brexit campaign, which was a false prospectus […]

Sunday Blog: Anglo-American Traumas

November 15, 2020 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Both countries share democratic values and traditions, which though different in detail, are complimentary in principle. Both have sought to spread these values across the rest of the world. Added together the two economies are not just the largest in the world but by a margin. They are tied by family, culture and history. And […]