Tag: Twitter

Sunday Blog12: April 26 2020

April 26, 2020 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Many expected Boris to be on sick leave longer. The news that he is returning to work tomorrow will be welcome even by those critical of the government. First on a human level because he has been through an extremely challenging experience, not to mention the torment of his loved ones who will have lived […]

C-Virus Special 2: A Pattern?

April 23, 2020 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

A pattern is beginning to emerge. However much it releases, repeats and proclaims its ‘right thing at the right time’ mantra, everybody now knows that, while focussed on the successful expansion of NHS capacity to cope, the government made a mess of the detail at the start of the pandemic in the UK. Now it […]

Boris In Intensive Care

April 9, 2020 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The reports are rather sparse and clearly subject to news management, so we do not really know what is happening. The fact the prime minister is still in intensive care is enough to tell us he is very ill. He appears not to be getting worse at least, because if so he would be on […]

C-Virus Special

April 7, 2020 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Everyone knew the pandemic was spreading. They knew it was spreading quite badly in London and among the ruling and celebrity class especially. Even Prince Charles fell victim to a mild attack. But the news that it was in Downing Street was a shock for sure, even though the good humoured prime minister assured the […]

Sunday Blog 8: March 29 2020

March 29, 2020 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The Heart Of Government Suddenly not only the prime minister, but the health secretary and the chief medical officer, the three who day after day told us what to do to save lives and stay safe, are themselves infected with the c-virus. This is rather shocking for two reasons. But first of all we must […]

Sunday Blog 7: March 22 2020

March 22, 2020 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The Government If you watch a press conference with ministers and experts, you are easily left with the impression that mostly they know what they are doing. On the other hand a news feature which casts a wider net to test the government’s assertions,  often leads to the conclusion that they may  not. The truth […]