Tag: Instagram

Trailer for Sunday Blog

February 14, 2020 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

This blog, as regulars know, is neither pro Tory, nor pro Brexit. But it is pragmatic. So Boris’s reshuffle is good news and Javid’s sacking/resignation is the best news of all. Because it shows that at last this nation will return to government by Number Ten and not by the Treasury, through its poodle of […]

SUNDAY BLOG: February 9 2020

February 9, 2020 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Trump: Have the Democrats Failed? That depends on which side you are on in a very polarised country.  From this side of the Atlantic it seems to me that there have always been two issues which  American voters need to think about. One is about Trump and whether he acted unconstitutionally in his dealings with […]

Royal Rumpus: Time For Change

January 21, 2020 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The rubbish written and spoken by commentators and the media about the Harry and Meghan affair has damaged the so called Royal Family, but not in the way its supporters think. There is absolutely no reason why a mature couple should not have the power to decide how to lead their lives, provided they are […]

UK Politics 2020: A Quickening Pace?

January 14, 2020 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

There is evidence that after years of drift, grandstanding, confusion and kicking every can down a never ending road, things are beginning to happen. The Boris government looks confident and in control. This is important. Even if you oppose its policies. Everyone was worse off with a May style government which endlessly studied position papers, […]

Has Trump’s Gamble Paid Off?

January 11, 2020 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Well, maybe it has. There is no doubt the Iranian government was seriously discomforted by the blow of the assassination of, to multitudes and certainly the regime, a national hero. There is also no doubt that the unpredictability of the US Commander-in-Chief, Donald Trump, whose finger is on the buttons of the most powerful military […]

Royal Drama: Resigning From What?

January 10, 2020 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

When the Queen referred in her Christmas message to the way being ‘quite bumpy’ she did not know the biggest pothole lay just ahead. The Sussex declaration of independence has caused a fuss and flurry entirely out of proportion to its effect on ordinary people. Of course Harry and Megan can go their own way […]

2020: A Critical Year: Early Thoughts

January 1, 2020 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

Honours This is an out of date concept, well meant but abused, which has to end. There should be one civil honour, for example the Order of Merit, which should be awarded for truly outstanding contributions to the national wellbeing at all levels of society by any person. It should never be given to  politicians, […]