Tag: Twitter

Election Aftermath by Party: Labour

December 15, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

To describe the outcome as a disaster for  Labour is not an exaggeration. But to describe it as a calamity is.  In spite of everything Corbyn received 10.2 million votes, which was better than Milliband 1n 2015, Brown in 2010 and even Blair in 2005. This supports the Labour claim that their manifesto was popular. […]

Election 2019: Now We Wait

December 12, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The country is at last voting after a campaign which lacked sparkle, like the turbulent weather and short winter days. The darkness matching the dark mood in the country. Polls tell us to expect more Johnson Getting Brexit Done. They do not tell us what exactly that means nor, having technically set off from the […]

NATO: Brain Dead? No But……

December 5, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

NATO was set up to confront the Soviets and prevent the Communist superpower advancing West. Stalin had managed to occupy and retain half Germany and all of Eastern Europe at the end of WWII. When the Soviet Union collapsed, its own defence treaty organisation collapsed too. The Warsaw Pact was disbanded. NATO was designed to […]

Election 2019: An Interesting Day

November 27, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

The Tory media feeding frenzy on Corbyn is in full cry. This is because Tory canvassers are reporting disquiet on working class and suburban doorsteps, votes they must win, lukewarm about their own safety first manifesto. Meanwhile in spite of the attacks on him on every front and ridiculing of his every appearance, Labour maintains […]

Election 2019: Religion and Politics.

November 26, 2019 By Malcolm Blair-Robinson

It is very unsatisfactory if faith leaders from whatever calling enter into the political debate, the more so when the country is polarised, angry and in the midst of an unprecedented election. Especially if it is directed at specific parties or individuals. Whatever the provocation and however justified the observation or complaint is,  such interventions […]